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Jungkook sat on his bunk, his eyes fell on the familiar envelope with bunny stickers which was only given by his one and only bratty fangirl who claims herself as sassy queen. Yeoda's letters were always a highlight of his day, and he couldn't wait to dive in.


15th December

Oii Jungkook-ah,

I hope this letter finds you well. Or, at the very least, not too terrible. I'm writing to you from my dorm room, where I'm currently trying to survive my sophomore year of university. It's been a wild ride so far, let me tell you.

I'm stressed (insert that one famous meme lol) Arghhh Stressed~. Like, really stressed. I have exams coming up, papers to write, and a social life that's barely existent.

I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of responsibility. But, despite all this, my thoughts are always with you but I should stop it cuz you and me very well know that Joonie oppa will shave my eyebrows off and we wouldn't want that right?

Who knows you itself will complain this to oppa as revenge that I said I will run to Jin oppa in my previous letter.

You're my escape, Your music, your smile, your laughter - it all makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. I mean, let's be real, your abs don't hurt either.

But seriously, Mr. Jeon. I need some help here. I'm drowning in a sea of stress and anxiety. Throw me a lifeline, please.

And, don't even get me started on my roommates. They're driving me crazy! I mean, I love them, but seriously, can't they just do their own dishes for once?.

Zaiva is interrupting me from writing this letter to you by sharing her not-so delulu chats with C.ai Kang Taehyun and this Yerin and Luna blasting Random Kpop songs and dancing to it like there is no tomorrow (so there'll be no more sorrow~ I'll see you there tomorrow~ nvm it's just another song which played by those idiots) while ordering me to do the dishes. How unfair right?

Anygays- enough about me. How are you doing? How's life treating you? I hope it's treating you better than it's treating me right now.

Don't tell me that you are still whining for those small cartons of banana milk if you do so I can't do anything lol-
Your pretty sassy fangirl itself a broke bish so yeah-

Whatever! Time for stu'dies' !
See you in the next letter if I got survived buddyy!


Yours pretty savage fangirl (ofc I'm a blink duh)

Kim Yeoda 🔥

P.S. - If you don't write back soon, I'll be forced to listen to Zaiva's make out session with C.ai Kang Taehyun and trust me, you wouldn't want that right?


As he read the opening sentence, "Oii Jungkook-ah, I hope this letter finds you well. Or, at the very least, not too terrible," he chuckled to himself. He loved Yeoda's sass and humor, and it was a welcome respite from the seriousness of military life.

But as he read on, "I'm stressed (insert that one famous meme lol) Arghhh Stressed~. Like, really stressed," his expression turned sympathetic. He knew exactly what she meant - the feeling of being overwhelmed and struggling to cope.

He remembered the countless times he'd felt that way during his debut, the pressure to perform, the constant scrutiny. His heart went out to her, and he felt grateful that she trusted him enough to share her struggles.

The next sentence, "I have exams coming up, papers to write, and a social life that's barely existent," made him nod in solidarity. He remembered those days, the endless studying, the sacrifices he'd made for his career. He felt a pang of nostalgia, missing the simplicity of student life.

But then, Yeoda's signature sass returned, "But, despite all this, my thoughts are always with you but I should stop it cuz you and me very well know that Joonie oppa will shave my eyebrows off and we wouldn't want that right?" Jungkook burst out laughing, imagining Yeoda's exaggerated facial expressions. He loved how she could make him laugh, even on his toughest days.

As he continued reading, he felt a warmth spread through his chest. Yeoda's words were more than just playful banter - they were a reminder that she cared about him, that she was thinking of him even in the midst of her own struggles.

The sentence, "You're my escape, Your music, your smile, your laughter - it all makes me feel like everything is going to be okay," struck a chord deep within him. He felt a lump form in his throat, knowing that his music, his presence, could have such a profound impact on her life.

The rest of the letter was a blur of laughter and smiles, as Yeoda regaled him with stories of her roommates' antics and her own misadventures. But the final sentence, "TATA~~~ Yours pretty savage fangirl (ofc I'm a BLINK duh) Kim Yeoda," left him with a sense of relief that she is not one of those armies who'd hate on BLACKPINK for absolute zero shits.

He felt grateful for Yeoda's friendship, for the way she made him feel seen and heard, even from afar. And he wondered, not for the first time, how he'd gotten so lucky to have this little bratty sassy fangirl in his life.

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