part one (new girls in town)

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Leias parents just dropped u two off at your grandparents' house. Kitty immediately wants the first hug from both of u. She says, "Oh my god, you guys have gotten so big since the 4th of july." i then say "thanks i think?"

Leia,gwen,Ozzie, and you all go to Gwen's basement to play cards when suddenly nate Nikki and jay come in. nikki is thrilled to see u bc you to were besties before u moved

she then says, "omg aria, I've missed u. You've been gone for so long," as she pulled u in for an embrace

you hug her back as one does, and then u notice jay is staring at u, and u give him a polite smile that is not reciprocated

and then he goes to sit beside leia and says "hey girl" which makes u a bit mad bc u know he no good and then gwen chimes in and says "leia this is jay please place all your zippers and buttons in their upright and locked positions" jay responds with "not cool gwen I'm just making some friendly get to know u chit chat" then he turns back to leia and says "so you spiritual I am" he does his signature sly smile

nate then, buts in and interrupts, "Can I please tell my awesome story now!" He then continues "ok we were just outside the store when some guy came up and asked if we were here for the keg, and I just said yes, and then BOOM, we had beer
But one problem, we have no tap."Well, u can't have a beer keg without the tap," jay says. " Well, no shit Sherlock" replies gwen. Gwen then suggests leia buys it because mama aka (the woman who owns the shop), doesn't know her, and leia says, "You really think that will work "totally, " gwen replies.

We get there and leia has a fake pregnancy belly and she trys to buy the Tap she almost succeeded but then she reaches for her purse and her fake stomach moves with her mama notices and calls leia out on her bullshit but then leia pulls some bad ass debate logic out and leia gets the tap we then all go to the water tower to celebrate.

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