part 2

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You all arrive at the water tower, and nate sets up the keg at the top of it

Leia walks up to you in an excited, anticipating manner. "Hey aria, do u have any interest in jay?" You're a little taken aback, and u reply with 'No, why?"Well, because I like him, " she says. You're surprised, but u try to be supportive and say, "Oh, okay," giving her a slight smile, trying to hold back from telling her he's a no-good player but u decide not to speak up

Nate then says, "Hey guys, come up here, the keg is ready." You all go up, nate, hands all of you guys a cup of beer gwen then says "let me make a toast to leia" they all raise their cups and say "too leia" and leia quickly makes it awkward by saying to Mrs. Zapolski" "Who" aria says," my debate club teacher. " The awkward silence creeps in when leia says, "I wish I could stay for the summer, "Then stay, " gwen says,

Leia and u get home
You can see her dad is visibly pissed
"Leia tatooine Forman"
"Her middle name is anne,"
"I never agreed to that."
"Hey, Aunt Donna,"
"Leia aria, go to your rooms,"
Leia and aria:

You both head to your rooms. As u enter your room, u notice a face in the window no other than jay kelso he knocks on the window, wanting u to let him in and u hesitate at first but u decide to open the window

From outside the window, he says
"Hey, umm, can I come in?"

"Sure, I guess." he enters your room through the window

"What do u want?"
"I wanna talk,"
"About what?"
"About... us"

You're obviously confused and a little hurt by this statement

"US? There is no us"
"Aria, I'm sorry about what happened a couple of years ago,"
"Ok, I'm not mad about that. I've already forgave and forgot it,"
"Oh okay well can we start over? Pretend this never happened a fresh slate?"
"You know what? Sure, that would be nice."

Jay smiles a little before red comes in and sees u two and immediately says

"Sir, I promise nothing was happening."
"Get away from my granddaughter u kelso trash before my foot goes in your ass"

Jay, obviously, a little scared quickly tries to walk, put your room

"No, leave through the window like u came."
"Uh ok"

Jay then crawls back out the window and falls a little on his way down

"I'm okay,"

Red then shuts the window and locks it

"I've made it very clear no boys allowed"
"Grandpa, I can promise I'm not interested in jay kelso of all people."

Red believes you

"Ok, you better not be."
He gives a proud smile before walking out

You then sit on the end of your bed and lay back, and u wonder what could be
With you and jay obvious, you know he's a player, but maybe he's changed, but obviously, u can't like him bc leia does and u don't wanna do that to your cousin so u decide to get over jay u have to get under someone else...

You decide to call up gwen and nikki and say u need to find a hookup and they decide to take u and leia to this party at a seniors house nikki says lots of hot older guys will be there leia on only has her eyes for one guy so she says she will go if jay does and gwen says she will ask nate to drive u guys and if nate goes jay goes

U and leia decide to go to Gwen's to get ready, and nikki is already there hanging out with her boyfriend, nate, in his room doing God knows what

Gwen gives u a black dress to wear the party it's kinda short, but whatever gwen is helping leia do her makeup and leia is going to try making a move on jay at the party while u are trying to forget about jay but they don't know that

You,nate,nikki,jay,leia,gwen, and Ozzie all walk outside to the van, and your dress catches Jay's eye, and you two make eye contact for a moment before u break it

Leia and jay sit in the back by themselves, and you gwen and Ozzie sit in front of them, and nikki and jay are in the front seat, nate starts the car and begins driving to the party

(Okay, sorry this took me so long to publish, but I tried to make this one longer than the other one)

Kelso finally grows up (but not really)Where stories live. Discover now