Meg crimson is spanish?

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As the group continued their joyful bouncing escapades, they came across Meg Crimson from Steppenwolf: The X-Creatures Project. Meg was bouncing on a vibrant, neon green exercise ball, her movements energetic and full of life.

With a shared look of excitement, Jacob, Skylar, and Irishboxer4 approached Meg, their kangaroos hopping alongside them.

"Hey, Meg!" Jacob called out with a grin. "English or Spanish?"

Meg, pausing mid-bounce with a curious smile, responded, "Spanish."

Skylar, with her signature playful smile, declared, "¡Quien se mueva primero es gay!"

Meg laughed, immediately understanding the playful challenge. She froze mid-bounce, balancing perfectly on the neon green exercise ball. The playground seemed to hold its breath, everyone watching to see how long she could maintain her stillness.

Jacob, Skylar, and Irishboxer4, along with Ruby, Christopher, and Irishboxer4's kangaroo, watched eagerly. The tension of the playful challenge filled the air, each second stretching longer than the last.

Meg held her pose with impressive control, her expression a blend of concentration and amusement. The exercise ball wobbled slightly beneath her, but she managed to stay mostly still. However, after a few moments, the tiniest bounce caused her to move slightly.

She burst into laughter, her joy infectious. "¡Parece que perdí! ¡Eso fue muy divertido!"

Jacob and Skylar joined in the laughter, their kangaroos bouncing energetically beside them. "You did great, Meg!" Jacob said, still chuckling.

Irishboxer4 added with a wide grin, "Welcome to our bouncy prank club!"

Meg smiled brightly, "¡Eso fue una maravilla! ¿Qué más tienen planeado?"

The group continued their bouncy adventures, their playful spirits and camaraderie lifting everyone's mood. The prank on Meg had added another delightful memory to their day, showcasing the endless fun and friendship that bouncing could create.

Irishboxer4 and Desertstorm272 I'm taking requests for more victims and what they bounce on

Whoever bounces gay (A meme bounce fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now