i cant sleep without you

130 0 18


Luca just fell asleep. To be honest, I thought he would make it through the whole movie. He likes musicals.

Dio, he looks so adorable and peaceful. My heart can't take it..

I look at Giulia and I see her side-eyeing me and smirking. "He looks comfortable," she states.

I blush and look away.

"Shut up, Giulia!" I whisper loudly.

"Nah, it's kinda funny, fratello.."

I scoff and caress Luca's forehead. I can't even find words to describe how in love I feel right now. It's like my heart is throbbing in my chest. Wait, is that a good thing? Is it normal? Well, I wish he was in love with me. I want to be his lover, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I really do. More than anything.

I play with his hair and get lost in my imagination. It would be nice to be with him. What would it be like? Will he still act the same toward me if I confess my love to him? Or.. what if he hates me?

"Earth to Alberto," Giulia snaps. "How about you two lovebirds go to bed?"

"We're not lovebirds!" I exclaim.

Giulia shushes me so I don't wake Luca up. I hope I didn't.

Dio mio, Giulia can really test me at times..

"I'll take him upstairs," I whisper. Oh, I just said that? Okay.. It kinda slipped out but it's fine, right?

Alright, how the heck do I do this?

I slide off of the couch, trying my best to make sure I don't wake up Luca. My mind is so scrambled right now. I carefully slide my hands to his back and lift him up. I feel the warmth from his body. He feels so cozy. I hold him close to me.

He's as light as a feather. Well, almost. But he's really light.

I take a deep breath. Giulia gives me this smug smirk and I give her a death glare in return.

"Sorry," she mouths looks away slowly and wide-eyed, and then I nod and proceed to walk up to the staircase with Luca in my arms, and then I turn around slightly.

"Buona notte, sorella," I whisper, then smile warmly.

"Sogni d'oro, fratello," Giulia replies.

She can be annoying, but she's still my sister. And I'll still love her one way or another, even if we fight.

Alright, don't wake Luca up.

I carefully step up the stairs, slow and steady as possible.

One, two, three, four...

The stairs creak quietly, but I'm trying not to make the stairs creak.

Five, six, seven, eight...

I wonder how Luca is sleeping through this. Can anything wake him up?

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve...

Alright, I'm up the stairs. Grazie a Dio my bedroom door is still open. I stroll quietly to the door and push the door open with my foot. I try not to wake Luca up as I step through my dark bedroom, and then I lay him down on my bed. I pull the sheets over him and caress his forearm slowly.

"Hmm.." I hum, wanting him and only him. I love him so much. He's so adorable.

 I think I might as well go back to the living room, I don't want Giulia to be lonely.

I trudge away and then I feel something tugging my shirt. I turn around to see what it is. 

It's Luca. 

Carp, I woke him up..

"Alberto," he whispers wearily. "Don't leave.."

My heart pounds in my chest and my palms become sweaty. 

"Please stay," he whispers.

Dio mio, this doesn't feel real. He.. wants me to stay?


I nod softly and slowly sit down on the bed. I keep scooting until I get comfortable. I flop down onto my pillow and look into Luca's glimmering eyes.

He smiles softly.

"Oh mie stelle, did I fall asleep during the movie?" Luca asks groggily.

I nod softly.

"Oh.." Luca utters. "I'm sorry I ruined the night for you guys-"

"You didn't do anything wrong, Luca! You needed that rest, okay, caro?" I state, and then I realized I just called him "caro". Oh, no no no no..

Luca chuckles softly, ""Caro?" I can get used to that.." then he winks. My face feels so hot right now and I can't even think straight.

I laugh softly.

"So.. are you excited for work tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Kind of, but I'm also terrified," He replies.

He then sits up and wraps his arms around his legs.

"What if I mess up? What if I stumble all over all my words as I read to the kids? What if I get distracted-" Luca chatters.

"Luca," I start as I rest my hand on his knee. "You'll do great," I smile and then I sit up to give him a hug. He moves his knees out of the way and wraps his arms around me. His warmth radiates off his body and spreads to mine. I take in every detail of him I can feel: his soft skin and the way he's not hugging me too tight, but not too weak.

"Prometto," I add.

I can tell Luca is smiling widely and dorkily. Dio, he's so cute..

"Grazie mille, Alberto.. really."

I smile warmly and squeeze him tighter.

"I'd take a bullet for you, y'know. I'd do anything for you.." I admit, holding him closer. Luca buries his face into my shoulder and I blush deeply. I hum softly in contentment, happy to be in the place I'm in now.

We move away from the embrace and Luca looks into my eyes.

"Can you please sleep with me tonight, Alberto?" Luca requests.

I pause for a moment, blushing. I nod softly and flop backwards to lay down again.

"Grazie, ragazzo carino."

I become a little bit flustered at his words, just nodding quickly in response.

Luca chuckles softly and keeps that heart-warming smile on his face.

My eyelids become heavy, so I decide to shut them.

I feel Luca's fingertips meet my hand.

"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" Luca asks.

"I don't mind at all," I whisper.

He interlocks his fingers with mine, and gripping my hand tight. His hands are somehow cold. It's strange, because the rest of his body is so warm. Dio, his hands are so soft, so comforting. I feel so safe.

"Buona notte, Luca."

"Buona notte, ragazzo carino."

My heart starts pounding in my chest, I get butterflies in my stomach, and my hands start becoming sweaty.

My eyelids start becoming heavy, so I shut them. I love where I'm at right now. At home, safe, comfortable, and with Luca.

He's so comforting, sweet, and kind. Although he can be kind of a nerd, I still love it. 

Ti amo, Luca.

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