Chapter 8

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The tension in the room was so thick you'd need the sword of Gryffindor to cut it. Bellatrix didn't move, she barely blinked, her focus occupied by the current Lioness sat opposite her. Minerva poured the tea, try to not let those dark intense eyes bother her. She could feel them though, feel them staring right through as if they're clutching at her soul.
Minerva was thankful she didn't need to ask Bellatrix how she liked her tea, she'd watched her make it often enough. Strong, no sugar and a dash of milk. How anyone could drink tea like that baffled Minerva, but each to their own. It looked more drinkable than her coffee anyway.

Without looking at the dark witch, Minerva pushed the cup and saucer in her direction, followed by a plate of sandwiches. Cheese, cucumber and Branston.
Bellatrix eyes the tea and the finger sandwich choice, slightly surprised at what she sees. Her eyes flicker to Minerva who was completely lost in making her own tea to notice the slightest of smiles on ruby red lips. The little tea was set in such a way, there was no way an elf did it. It was so elegantly displayed, like a little afternoon tea. It reminded her somewhat of the little teas her sister insisted on throwing, before it all went bad.

Bellatrix wasted no time in reaching for a sandwich, and closed her eyes as she bit into the sandwich. She hadn't had these in a while, they were her favourite. How Minerva came to chose these was beyond her.
"Are they satisfactory?" Minerva finally asks, noticing the woman's eyes were closed and she seemed to be savouring the bite.
"Very. They remind me of Cissy." Her eyes still remained closed as the image of her younger sister dance across her mind, and Minerva almost had a heart attack at the smile that was very evident on her lips.
"Andy and I were always forced to join her little tea's. This was her sandwich of choice. She'd even lay them out like this, all cut up in a certain way." As it goes, the woman's smile was apparently contagious and Minerva found herself smiling at the woman's happy memory. A warm feeling whirled around within Minerva as she realised this is probably the most personal and non insulting thing Bellatrix has ever shared with her. Now that was something.

When Bellatrix opened her eyes, she was greeted by deep blue orbs and for the first time they were warm and inviting. Minerva's eyes were never that warm and inviting to her.
"Thank you." Bellatrix said, Minerva nearly fell out of her chair. Something definitely was wrong here.
"No need to thank me, I'm sure you've had done the same for me." Minerva of course didn't actually believe that, it was no secret how much Bellatrix loathed her...then again those words Sybil said kept bouncing around in her mind.
Bellatrix didn't respond to that, instead she took another sandwich before getting up and walking to the back of her class, leaving a puzzled Minerva behind. Minerva adjusted to see where the woman had gone to, only to catch her returning with a jar. The ravenette placed the jar in front of Minerva before returning to her seat.
"Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous or harmful in there. They're for you." Minerva was skeptical, for all she knew this could be a trap to end her once and for all. She ever so carefully opened the jar, half expecting a snake or tarantula to jump out.

"Oh for heaven's sake Minerva, if I wanted you dead I'd have done it years ago. Just look inside it already, what happened to your Gryffindor courage?"
"There's a fine line between courage and stupidity, and you have made it perfectly clear how much you dislike me, I'm merely taking precautions."
"If you really felt that I want you dead, why are you here? Why trust me at all?" Bellatrix had a good point, if Minerva really was that concerned why even bother with her? With one last glance at the witch, Minerva looked inside the jar, only to be further surprised by its occupants.
"Shortbread biscuits?" And not just any shortbread, the ones shaped like scotties and westies.
"Thank you." Bellatrix didn't respond, instead she concentrated on another sandwich. Minerva didn't quite know how to act, though she did find herself feeling rather touched. She knew damned well Bellatrix didn't even like shortbread, she made it blatantly obvious every time Minerva offered her one. Though Minerva never offered the little Scottie ones to anyone, they were her favourite kind, so how Bellatrix knew about these was indeed a mystery.
"Your brain is working over time Minerva, it's giving me a headache. They're no big deal just a tin of biscuits." Minerva was abruptly brought back to reality, and could curse herself for daydreaming in the presence of this twisted woman. Minerva cursed even more when she felt the heat rising to her cheeks.
"Consider them a thank you, and an apology. For what, I'll let you decide." Bellatrix finally looked at the woman, only to arch a quizzical eyebrow. Minerva was clearly torn, she was debating mentally with herself over what, Merlin knows but whatever it was made her blush.
Bellatrix realised quite quickly by the way the other woman tilted her head and made no comment, she was trying to hide her flushed cheeks, and something about that amused Bellatrix.

"What's the matter pussycat, lost your tongue?" Minerva inwardly died at the tone of that voice. That voice was low and husky and new. Minerva had never heard such a tone, especially directed at her.
"Pp-pardon?" Minerva further cursed as she stuttered, feeling the burning sensation in her cheeks. Was it hot in here? Did she light the fire without Minerva knowing?

The moment Minerva looked up was the moment she realised she'd messed up. That look, that look was definitely new. The cheekiness that danced with in those dark orbs, the amused smirk, it was all too much.
"I um, I have a meeting with Dumbledore. Best not keep him waiting."
"Dumbledore's not here. He won't be back until tomorrow." Bellatrix clicked her tongue, not once taking her eyes off of a clearly flustered Minerva. The Gryffindor cursed yet again, how could she be so stupid? And what is even going on here? They hated each other, well Bellatrix definitely hated her, or at least that's what Minerva took from their entire interactions for the last Merlin knows how many years.

"Don't look so frightened Minerva, that look doesn't belong on your pretty face."
"Are you drunk? Have you been drinking all day? Maybe you should go sleep it off. I can help take you to bed." Minerva's eyes widen further at that mumbled junk that just flew out of her mouth.
"Not like that of course, I mean I can help you get into bed. To sleep. Help you into bed to sleep." Minerva felt like an idiotic school child, she's never once behaved like a bambling buffoon! What has gotten into her?!

"I can assure you, I'm perfectly sober. Have you been drinking? You appear awfully unlike yourself...perhaps it's you who needs some assistance. Had I best take you to bed? Tuck you in? Give you a kiss Goodnight?"
Bellatrix marvelled at this newfound effect she had over Minerva, had she known basic kindness would give her this power, she'd have done it years ago. Though being kind to the woman wasn't at the front of her mind, not when an angry Minerva was oh so sexy. But this Minerva was rather endearing.

"No, I, I'm not drunk. I've not had anything to be drunk." Minerva averted her eyes, she couldn't take the woman's stare much longer. In fact, she needed to leave this room. This was all unfamiliar territory, she'd actually prefer an agitated and drunk Bellatrix over this one. This one was, was doing things that Minerva didn't even know was possible.

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