Chapter 4

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"Alone at last" Bella smiles leaning back in her chair smiling to herself. She took a deep breath before gathering her glass and whiskey, pouring herself a generous amount.
"Come to mama." She smiles bringing the liquid to her lips, enjoying the sensation as it flows down her throat.

A knock to the door earned a annoyed grumble from the witch.
"What?" She calls wanting whoever it was to just leave her alone. She had a terrible sleep and spent half the night being tormented by that insufferable woman.

The person behind the door clearly didn't want to live because they took that as permission to open the door.

"Did I say come in?" Bella snaps, her eyes focused on the liquid at hand hoping whoever it was would get the hint to sod off. However the intruder had the audacity to close the door then block the woman's light.

Bella grew more irritated by the second, recognising the sweet powdery smell mixed with some spice, parchment paper and books, she already knew who the culprit was.

Bella inwardly curses at the woman who had the nerve to show up in her classroom.
"Minerva, what an unpleasant surprise." She made no effort to look at the woman before her.
"Dumbledore wants to speak to you." Minerva stated, noting the half empty bottle of whiskey and a now empty glass.
"Great, just what I wanted." Bellatrix mumbles rising to her feet. She makes her way to the door, opening it then her attention shifted to Minerva who's eyes still lingered on the bottle.
"Are you standing there all day or are you moving?" Bellatrix growls, snapping the woman out of her thoughts.
Minerva noticed the woman holding the door open and quickly made her way through, Thanking Bellatrix as she did so.
Bellatrix responded with a slam of the door and a growl.

The pair walked in silence, Bellatrix contemplating her entire life choices.
Whilst the bottle still wouldn't leave Minerva's head, and she had to ask. Despite everything she didn't necessarily hate the woman.

"How much of that have you had to drink today?" Minerva asks, snapping Bellatrix out of her mind.
"What?" She looks at the woman, her face forming an agitated frown.
"The whiskey."
Bellatrix rolls her eyes.
"Now why would you care?" She focuses back on the path before her, enjoying the slight sight of fear in some of the students as the scurry away.
"Because despite everything I wouldn't want you to drink yourself into an early grave." Minerva snaps, slowly losing her normal composure. Minerva took a deep breath, before picking up her pace. The woman was impossible why she kept trying Minerva would never know.

Bellatrix couldn't help but smirk as the woman stormed away clearly agitated, her robes billowing behind her, the click of her heels echoing against the stone floor and walls.
A student rounded the corner, stopping dead as they saw Bellatrix, books clenched to chest.

Bellatrix caught the girl staring at her and her face was soon covered by a glare, unknown to the innocent child were Bellatrix's plans. A sharp intake of breath followed by an exhale sent the girls books everywhere, papers fluttering in the air before finally making their way to the floor.
Satisfied the woman sauntered away.


"What a complete waste of my time." Bellatrix slams the door to her classroom.
"Stupid old git!" She reaches for her bottle, her bottle that she was more than sure she'd left on her desk before Minerva interrupted...

"Bloody woman!" Bellatrix snaps, making her way to her stash, lucky she had back up.
Bellatrix moved the painting of the black lake from her wall then opened the door to her hidden cabinet to see not a single drink.
The woman chuckles out of disbelief, closing the door then opening it again, her chuckles soon turned to low growls.
"I'm going to kill her." She slams the door, followed by the classroom door as she makes her way to Minerva Mcgonagall.

Minerva sat quietly in her class looking over some paper work when the door swung open nearly coming of the hinges as it slammed into the wall.
"You bitch!"
"It's always a pleasure to see you too Bella." She makes no effort to look at the obviously angered woman.
"Whiskey, where is it?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't play coy with me Minerva." Bellatrix slams the door shut.
"My whiskey was there when I left, you saw it, now it's gone." She walks towards Minerva's desk.
"Where is it?" She growls, ever so lowly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about-"
"Damn it Minerva!" Bellatrix slams her hands on the desk causing Minerva to jump.

Bellatrix inhales,
"Minerva, please just tell me what you've done with my Whiskey." Bellatrix gripped the desk, trying her best to remain calm.
Minerva swallows, she'd never admit it but Bellatrix definitely startled her then, she'd seen the woman do worse things than that but it was never usually directed towards her, sure they argue all the time, but Bellatrix had never once done that before.
"It's no good for you to be drinking it like water Bella..." Minerva slowly moves away from her desk. Bellatrix looks at her, getting ready to yell but the concern that was evident in Minerva's eyes made her mouth dry.

Bellatrix pushes against the desk, standing upright she heads towards the door slamming it shut behind her. Minerva blinks before quickly heading to the door watching the witch who stormed down the hallway.


Bellatrix stormed into her quarters heading straight for her liquor cabinet. She was shaking with anger. That blasted woman just couldn't leave her alone!

Whiskey! Just what she needed, Bellatrix didn't  even reach for the glass, instead she drank straight from the bottle, taking big gulps, then sighing at the familiar feeling running down her throat. She was in for a long night with her one and only friend.

A bottle of whiskey.

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