Chapter 10

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Bellatrix, though weakened and dizzy noticed the deep concern and fear in Minerva's eyes, and was touched. Though an emotional Minerva isn't the Minerva she needed right now. This is not quite how she'd pictured her death.

" Don't go hysterical now woman. I need you, I need that marvellous mind of yours to focus." Blue eyes locked with dark orbs, as frightened as she was right now. Bellatrix wasn't going to die tonight, not if Minerva had anything to do about it.
"I need Severus, he'd know the potions-"
"In my bedroom, top left cupboard of the dark oak cabinet. All you need should be there. It's a mixture of mine and Severus potions." Minerva wasted no time in gathering all she needed. She was indeed thankful of her curious and bookwormish nature as a child, now it was time to put her memory to work. She'd read about dark magic and ancient diseases many moons ago, one of her mothers books she'd stumbled across.

Sarkophagos mageía. It was first discovered by a Greek wizard back sometime during the first century. It's deadly, very deadly and very temperamental. It's like a parasite, that slowly but painfully digs it's way further and further inside the host, leaving large gashes in its wake. The victim bleeds out, how quick the disease works is all dependant on the host. If the person remains calm and limits the use of magic or movement it will take much longer, the victim could even last upto 8 hours before it's too late. However if the host panics or agitates it by using magic it will act much faster. Giving the host a matter of minutes.

Though Bellatrix remained relatively calm, she agitated the living hell out of this disease. It was working fast, very fast. By the time Minerva came back Bellatrix was almost past out.
"The dagger, if need be. Use my dagger." And with that the woman sunk backwards into the settee. Startled Minerva jumped to action, her heart was in her mouth. It had gotten a lot worse in a matter of seconds and was only getting worse. Judging by Minerva's calculations she had minutes to reverse or limit the damage before it was too late. Trying to calm herself down she began work right away.
Sweat was dripping from her brow as she tried to steady her hands. Cutting out tissue was something she desperately wanted to avoid, but some of it was too far gone, and would only allow the disease to spread further. Minerva covered the dagger in whiskey that was also stored in the cabinet, to keep infections to a minimal, this one was bad enough.
Carefully Minerva removed the severely damaged tissue before reaching for another vial.

Minerva was crouched at the side of the settee, nursing the bottle of whiskey. She tried her damned hardest. The disease just wasn't giving in. Minerva even prayed, to anyone or anything that would listen. She was covered in the woman's blood. Her hair had long since fallen out of its usual tight bun. Her eyes were empty, as her head lay resting near the head of a lifeless Bellatrix. She knew she should of contacted Poppy immediately. Had she of gone to Poppy maybe they wouldn't even be in this situation. Minerva cried, of course Minerva cried. The living room looked like a homicide had just taken place, blood everywhere. There was even some discarded tissue just splayed across the coffee table, and Bellatrix's dagger next to it.

Minerva did all she could. She'd got rid of the severely damaged tissue, dropped a few drops of the antidote on the parts that looked like they could be saved, followed the instructions she read right down to the last, she even patched Bellatrix back up and cleaned the outside wound.

That, was two hours ago.

Minerva tried so damned hard.

The Gryffindor, for the first time in her life had no idea what to do. Her head wasn't quite thinking clearly,

"Don't turn to drink Minerva, it's not becoming of you. You're much better than a down and out alcoholic like me." It took a moment for Minerva to register what was going on, the bottle was taking from her grasp and she was lifted to her feet.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and into bed. We can sort this out later, much, much later." Minerva still in a daze was guided to the bedroom.
"Bella?"  She stopped, determined to make out the figure beside her. Was she hallucinating? Was this some sick dream her mind set out?
"Yes love. It's me. You saved my life. Now come on. Let's get you cleaned, we can talk later." Minerva made no effort to argue, nor to pull away from the alleged woman. The only thing that fully registered was the water that suddenly came out of nowhere. Minerva screamed as hot water came crashing down on her.
"I'm sorry love, I should have warned you." Hands were moving her hair from her face, and pulling her out from beneath the shower head.
"There, you can see now." Bellatrix was inches away from her face, smiling softly.
"No, you're dead." Minerva pushed her away stepping back into the water, only to jump forward again, straight into the woman's arms.
"Now now Minerva. Come on, I know rational Minerva is in there somewhere." Bellatrix placed her hands either side of Minerva's face. Tainting her pale skin with blood once more.
Instantly she left go and reached for a flannel, wiping the traces of blood away from Minerva's face.

"May I?" Bellatrix asked, nodding towards the flannel she held in Minerva's direction.
"You don't normally ask. You just do whatever you want." Minerva wasn't her full 60 ounces at this point, but she was slightly more aware than she'd previously been, and was fairly certain...sort of certain that this wasn't fully a trick of her imagination.
"Oh sweetie, believe me if I truly did whatever I want. You wouldn't be standing there right now." She took a step closer, she didn't make it an obvious thing when flirting with Minerva. But right now, Bellatrix knew damned well Minerva wasn't 100% of her surroundings just yet, so what harm would it do. It's not as if she'll remember it, or mention it tomorrow. Minerva wouldn't dare, she'd probably push it away or put it down to the bottle she drank.

"I'd be dead."
"No Minerva, you wouldn't be dead." Bellatrix chuckled as she slowly brought the flannel to Minerva's skin, giving her ample chance to pull away.
"I'm just going to give you a quick wash. I'd have used magic, but can't for obvious reason. And you are clearly in no fit state to do so either."  Minerva didn't argue. She just stood there, staring at the woman's face.
"I'm not dead Minerva, this isn't some twisted ploy. You saved my life." Finally dark eyes met blue ones, Bellatrix quickly pushed her under the shower head, along with herself washing the suds and blood away from both of them, earning another squeal from Minerva before pulling them both back out. She quickly turned the shower off before reaching for two towels.
Minerva had just got the suds out of her eyes when she was engulfed into a towel.
"There we go. Nice and clean." With that the allegedly alive witch wrapped her own towel around her.

Once Minerva dried herself, Bellatrix retrieved two satin nightgowns, before returning to the bathroom and handed one to Minerva. Bellatrix changed in the bedroom, whilst Minerva changed, or at least tried to change in the bathroom.
"Everything okay?" Bellatrix popped her head around the door,
"I'm so sorry, I bumped into your soap tray." Minerva was on her hands and knees gathering up the shards of glass from the shampoo vial.
"Did you hurt yourself?" Bellatrix made sure to move Minerva away from the sharp glass, checking her over quickly.
"Not physically. My dignity however has been wounded." Bellatrix just looked at the woman, whatever had gotten into her was actually quite amusing.
"Oh somebody's a bit of a drama Queen I see. Come along. Let's get you to bed. I'll sort that tomorrow."  With that Bellatrix carefully led them into her room and over to her bed.

She hadn't fully thought this out, but the woman was clearly traumatised by the events of last night, and she couldn't very well just throw her out and fend for herself after she'd just spent all night trying to save Bellatrix.
Besides, it's Minerva. And a rather tipsy Minerva at that.
"Do you have a preference which side you sleep on?" Bellatrix wasted her breath asking that question as she watched the woman yawn then climb into the right side of the bed, making herself comfortable. Bellatrix watched her a moment, really watched her like she does when no one was looking. A smile graced her lips. She climbed into the left side of the bed, she didn't even have chance to get comfortable before the woman had latched onto her like a leach.
"Please don't do that to me again. I thought I'd lost you for good." Her words were barely above a whisper but Bellatrix heard them perfectly clear. They bore right into her and shattered her heart. Bellatrix didn't make it a habit of hugging, or caring or even crying, it was a sign of weakness. So of course she'd denying hugging the woman back.
"You won't ever lose me, Minerva." She'd also deny the softness in which she spoke the promise she made. Just as she'd deny the single tear that managed to escape her dark eyes.

Tonight had been eventful indeed.

Later today, much, much later was sure to be a storm. Minerva was very liable to kill her.

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