13. Lies

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Bluepaw struggled under Finchstar's claws. Each paw pressed on her shoulders, his hind leg pressing down on her tail. She hissed as Finchstar looked down, smugly.

"Not so tough now," he growled, his fangs a few centimeters away from her neck. Bluepaw widen her eyes in realization. Her blue-grey fur flatted in fear, her grey eyes bore into his green ones. Finchstar let out a hackled laugh, his claws crawling towards her neck. His brown and red patched fur bristling as he finished laughing. He leaned down, his fangs latching onto her scruff.

She let out a whimper, as he forced her onto on her belly. His paws clasped onto his haunches, as he brought her closer. She glanced over her shoulder and widen her eyes. His green eyes shadowed as he gripped her scruff tighter. He was going to mate with her!

"No!" cried Bluepaw trying to scramble away. "Please no! I'm too young," she yowled and tried to turn and scratch him. Finchstar let out a low growl and shoved her muzzle into the dirt. She whimpered softly, and pressed to the ground.

After 10 seconds, Bluepaw lifted her head. "What about Breezefern! She is expecting your kits!" She heard Finchstar shuffled and leap over her. She tucked her tail under her legs, glancing towards Finchstar. His brown and red fur laid flat down, his green eyes cleared. His face looked haunted as he took a step towards her.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Just stay away from me!" screeched Bluepaw and raced down. Her tail tucked tightly under her legs as she bounded from the den. Tears streamed down her face, as she bounded down the HighLedge. She saw the shooks of confusion and curiosity as they followed her out of camp. She raced to where she could only go. The Windclan Border. She stopped at the border, inhaling the rabbit scent of Windclan. She scanned the flat land, looking for any sign of Stormfang.

Her heart drooped, as she realized there was no Windclan nearby. She let out a hefty sigh, brushing the tears away with her paw. She felt violated. She tucked her tail between her legs again, and followed the border to the small patch of forest Windclan owned. She trotted back into the forest, follow her and Stormfang's old scents. She came into a clearing, smiling softly. There was a small pond, tree branches overhanging them. A single leaf danced down, and gently landed into the pool. She spotted the gnarled roots in the corner sheltered from any rain. Moss and feather intertwined to make their nest.


She spun around and saw the familiar pale grey pelt. With white patches. His dark blue eyes almost black bored into hers. She sniffed slightly, as Stormfang widen his eyes. He raced towards her, letting her rest her head in between his neck. He rested his chin on her head.

"Let it all out Bluepaw," he whispered licking her ear. His tail wounded around her, pulling her closer. She released the tears as she sobbed into his neck. A single tear dripped from her cheek and landed onto the ground. Turning the dirt a dark brown. After a few moments, Stormfang pulled away. He gently nudged her to the gnarled roots.

Bluepaw stepped inside the nest, immediately curling up. Her tail covering her nose as her body shaken with sobs. She peeked out, spotting an amused Stormfang.

"Are you going to move over for me?" he purred touching her cheek with his nose. Bluepaw let out a shakily laugh, scooting over a bit. She watched Stormfang step over over and curl beside her. He threw a paw over her, bringing her closer. She inhaled his sweet scent curling into him tighter. Her tears now forgotten as she let out a sigh.

"Stormfang, I have to talk to you."

Bluepaw was honest with him. How Finchstar raped her. How Aspenfall fallen in love with her. Her mother. Her sister. At the mention of her sister, Stormfang stiffed beside her. She knew he tried to change the subject, which she let him. But she couldn't help feeling suspicious. She shifted in her nest, accidentally brushing muzzles with him. His eyes flickered open, as he smiled softly. He reached over to lick her muzzle.

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