17. Behind The Walls

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Jay's POV

The wind picked up harshly ruffling his smoky grey fur. Red and orange streaks raced across the sun as the sun quickly started to set. The trees swayed silently in the wind, carefully covering the sound of pounding of paws.

"Jay, he's back," murmured a soft voice from the mouth of his cave. The smoky grey tom turned his head, meeting the intense of icy blue eyes. The Healer, poked her head in staring at the ruffled tom. Jay nodded, and forced himself up. His legs wobbled and his eyes were blood shot.

"Sky tell him I'm coming. First, let me -"

"I'll help you," interrupted Sky. The pale grey she-cat weaved her way around shredded moss and leaves, her eyes focused on the tom in front of her. Jay resisted a grunt, he could tell Sky was trying not to dart a look at the scratch marks on the wall. He sat down on his haunches, not enjoying the raspy tongue on his clumped up pelt.

"Leader is angry that you injured one of his best fighters. He wanted to slit your throat we heard that," mewed Sky quietly as she licked his shoulder fur down. "But I convinced otherwise. Jay I know your intentions but you are too young for this position. Step down and let Bark or Flint take over. They are older."

Jay hissed quietly making Sky inwardly flinch. Bark. The same mottled brown tom that tried to rape that blue-grey apprentice. He blinked back to when he first met Lilythorn, Lilypaw back then. The golden and white she-cat thought she was "perfect" but Jay could tell she was far from ever being perfect.

"Come on Jay, your ready," murmured Sky nudging the tom's shoulder. Jay turned to look at Sky, nuzzling her neck. He put a paw around her shoulder, pushing her closer.

"Watch out Sky."

Jay pulled away from the pretty she-cat and walked towards the den. He blinked rapidly getting his eyes adjusted to the dimming light. There he saw Druid, Second in Command to Leader. The black tom was speaking with Whip. The trainee was trying hard not to blush as the tom smiled at her. He sat there watching him for a few seconds before Druid's multi-colored eyes spotted him.

The black tom excused himself from the pretty Trainee and stalked up to him. Druid launched himself onto the muddy rock and sat next to Jay.

"You seem pretty busy with Whip over there," mused Jay watching as the pale silver Trainee was talking to Shimmer. By the way her blue eyes glowed and that shade of red on Whip's cheek, no doubt they were talking about Druid. He glanced to the side of Druid, seeing the muscular jet black tom shift uncomfortable.

"She's too young besides there's also Ghost. She's rather pretty too," mewed Druid that tom trying to pinpoint the pale grey she-cat. His eyes glimmered with satisfaction as he spotted the pale grey she-cat talking to a group of Hunters. Leaf and Night on each side of her, laughing as Ghost blushed really hard.

Jay let out a snort of amusement. "Good Luck with that. All the she-cats will come chasing after you." Druid didn't respond but stared at his paws as the wind blew up harshly. Jay lifted his muzzle in the air, widening his eyes at the familiar scent.

"Enough with the small talk. Druid, Jay meet me in the den Now," growled a gruff voice. Jay turned his head to see, Dark, his leader behind him. His amber eyes glittering dangerously as he beckoned them towards his cave surrounded by gnarled oak roots.

Jay nodded and stood up hesitantly. Druid and his Leader we're already making their way to his den. He turned to observe the camp, to see it all went quiet. They all wondered where their leader was for the past couple days.

Jay made his way, poking his head in the darkness. Dark, his leader, was already seated in his nest in the middle of the den. Druid a bit sideways from them.

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