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Where did he go without retrieving his things from her?

She abruptly nudged her hand inside her jacket's pocket and it touched the contour of the pendant. Apart from that, he had given her a necklace as well on their way to this hotel. It was still with her. Andaleeb took her handbag from the waiter and closed the door behind her. She fell into reflection on all the events that occurred.

She quickly opened her bag because something in her raised a suspicion that he was might be a scam. But seeing every bit of her belongings in here, she bit her lower lip. What should she do now? Should she just keep his things to not fall into any danger? But he said he bought them for his sister. Did he forget to borrow them from her or was this a new trap? But a guy who pledged on his mother and that vow was really true, wouldn't be a hitch.

After pondering for a while, she came to a point where she decided that she should really give him his things. Those would always make her remember him. And also where would she put that necklace and pendant? If her sister would see them, many questions would arise. Maybe Shah was really in a hurry and he didn't realize to ask from her.

She walked over to the bathroom door and told her sister that she would be back in a while as she wanted to have a breath of fresh air by going down the beautiful swimming pool situated near the corridor.

She wrapped herself in her long overcoat before coming out of the room. The change in temperature from the warmth provided by the heater in the room to this fiery coldness outside hit her. Her first motive was to check Shah in the bedroom she booked for him. Andaleeb still had its keys with her. She had reserved it for twelve hours but Shah had vacated before the actual time. She unlocked the door and found it empty. That meant he was really gone.

"Hello, Miss!" She was brought out of her thoughts when a waiter called her.

"The person living here has left this early morning and we need the keys back," he told her respectfully.

She gave him the keys without any question. "Can you tell me how much time has passed since he left?"

"Not that long. Just a while ago when I returned your handbag which he told me to give you," he replied.

Andaleeb nodded before walking over to the lift. This meant he would be nearby. She should really catch him before it was too late. She pressed the button on the ground floor before again thinking about all the happenings. Soon the lift took her to her destination. A couple entered the lift to go up but she didn't care for anything as she dashed out.

The glassy exit door opened her for her automatically. She rushed out of the hallway. Breathing heavily, she looked around as she stood out. The snowfall was still occurring and there weren't many people outside of the hotel. The main road was empty except for a few cars which would pass by chance. A foyer led to the street on the corner. It was just one block long, mostly quiet, and many houses were situated. Their roofs were bathed by the snowflakes. The sideways and driveways were held by the oak trees that beautify the streets, the beautiful mesmerizing canopy of shades. The leaves rustle by the cold wind, giving a heartwarming sound.

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