~~•Thirty six•~~

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She didn't know what was the impulse that made her seek his intimacy on a totally different level. It was a totally unexpected, unusual, and odd feeling that caused Andaleeb to take the ultimate step further. Maybe the regret, fury, and hatred would follow later on, but who cared right now when she was dealing with so many jumbled-up emotions?

Maybe doing this would make her see herself as a victim, would lessen some guilt off her shoulders because of what she did with her sister, and maybe it would bring more resentment in her for Masab, who was making a fool out of her by appearing as a gentleman. A crude and unfettered need rose in her to finally take off this mask away from his face so that the only thing she could feel for would be detest and nothing else.

Seeing Masab again trying to control his longing just because she said that she felt disgusted from him, caused her every inhibition to fall apart. Something in Andaleeb wanted to behold his desire for her. A man constantly claiming that he loved you would definitely mess up your mind altogether. And that was what happened in her case. So many emotions with so many different consequences, but all Andaleeb cared about right now was to see him shoving away that gentleman and show his craving for her.

She hooked one finger in his shirt's button and pulled him near before closing every distance between them. Her eyes burnt with intense emotions, and it should be acting as a wake-up call for her that how much different was the actual feelings she was having right now, totally opposite to what she intended. However, she didn't care right now. She had to do that to bury those evoking sentiments inside of her.

Repugnance, culpability, regret, and odd feelings were way too self-reproaching to even think about.

She felt his hot breath over her mouth and that increased her intoxication even more. Her breathing sped up, and she wasn't surprised to find the exact same thing happened to Masab. But why did this revelation that he really desired her to make her contended?

Twisted. Very twisted.

Masab's brows puckered together as he silently saw whatever she was doing. His grip over her waist tightened on a dangerously hot level as his fingers slowly caressed her bare delicate skin. A soft gasp left Andaleeb's lips as their mouths were just a few inches apart.

Her pleasured-filled eyes met his charming ones, which felt like he was on a high dose of something addictive. And this moment felt more powerful and suggestive when she was dressed up as his bride.

What he found in her eyes was far away from any hatred and disgust. That was something that was screaming her need for him. That gave him a credence, and he gradually moved his palm up, leaving a feather-like touch over the bumps of her spine. Her beautiful pink lips parted slightly and she exhaled a breath in pleasure. Masab's finger reached up, coming in contact with the zipper of her blouse and this made him recall a memory from the last night.

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