~~•Fifty seven•~~

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The idea of again wearing a bridal dress for the reception, which once annoyed her earlier, now brought so many different emotions to her heart after spending a night with him as his wife

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The idea of again wearing a bridal dress for the reception, which once annoyed her earlier, now brought so many different emotions to her heart after spending a night with him as his wife. The feeling was surreal, unique, and mind-boggling. The change perhaps wasn't overnight. It was gradual yet steady.

He slowly made a space in her heart for himself. His confession and the feel of kisses from a while ago were still fresh in her memory. Masab had numerous times confessed to her in the past. But none seemed that honest, hurtful, and emotional than this one. The way he said those words gave an impression that they came from his heart and they acted directly over her heart.

Her heart! From where did it come into this equation of hatred, self-respect, vengeance, and ego? When did it open up and let anyone else other than Aurang to even take a glance inside?

Andaleeb dropped her head in her palms as she contemplated about it. That was ridiculous. She was mixing temptation with love. She could feel attracted to Masa,b but love was far-fetched. She could never fall in love with him.

Making a loose bun of her hair, she left the bed to take a quick shower. The reception was in the night and she was told that a beautician would come here to help her get ready as a bride. Adjusting the robe of her night suit, she decided to make her way towards the washroom when the door knocked. A few lines appeared on her forehead in confusion as she stepped ahead to open the door. Hoorain was revealed on the other side with a cup of tea in her hand.

Her eager eyes, which were anticipating to see another face, widened in shock as they locked over her figure. In a pink velvet body-hugging night suit, her every curve was prominent. Masab rejected her because he wanted this shameless girl as his wife who couldn't even dress properly.

Andaleeb twisted in nose in annoyance as she pulled her arm over the boundary of the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Shah Sahab wanted to have the tea made by my hands. Where is he?" She told her, looking around in search of her Shah Sahab.

Andaleeb shrugged her shoulders. "He is not here. Now you can leave."

"What kind of immodest dressing are you wearing? Such outfits are not worn by decent and respectable women of the Shah family. But yes I forgot. It's the girls like you who wear such clothes to entice men. Don't put a stain on our reputation," Hoorain commented, disgruntledly.

Andaleeb raised a brow in amusement. "Whatever I wear is none of anyone's damn business. I am in my husband's room and I can wear whatever I want. That's another thing that I damn care about any random people giving their weird and unnecessary remarks about me. I am in a good mood today; hence I am not saying anything. Beware next time. It doesn't take a minute for me to transform into the bitch I said. Next time don't be nosy and poke in anything related to me."

Hoorain clenched her jaw angrily. "Talk decently with me. What kind of language are you using?"

She grinned and then pulled her both arms in front of her chest. "You are not at all decent for me to talk decently with you. I am at least wearing something immodest or using cuss words, but at least I am not going after a married man. I am not lying that he needed the cup of tea made by my hand just to see him and meet him in secrecy. What's more indecent and immodest between the two? Hmm?"

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