Tonight he is feeling surreal. A mission was accomplished, a privilege was attained and a secret was nurtured to see its revelation in the best form. He nudged the bedroom door and his eyes were delightful seeing someone whose presence here made him...
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Committing a dire act needed a lot of courage and she was ready to show this determination because of her love for Aurang. Andaleeb wouldn't have liked doing it in any normal circumstances. She would never even think of doing so but the situation had put her through this. If she would silently survive this day, she would lose the love of her life for forever. She would become someone else's bride and Aurang would leave from her life for real.
The groom's family was already here and she needed to act vigilantly and quietly. Andaleeb quickly placed her last note on her bed's side table along with leaving her wedding dress on the bed which would act as a clear indication that what she was up to as soon as anyone would reach her room. She didn't want to worry her family more than necessary that they would think where she was and what happened to her. Her first goal was to definitely reach Aurang as soon as possible before anyone would locate her.
Aurang was in full contact with her throughout the time. A while ago, he had told her about his location and the place where he wanted her to be. According to him, he had made full arrangements for their nikkah there. Having a legal relationship with Aurang would definitely act as a plus point for her.
After placing the note, she took a deep breath and looked around. Her family and their prestige. She was just about to put a stain on it by fleeing from her wedding but she wouldn't waste a chance by feeling guilty. Deciding that life would be insufferable to bear without Aurang, she proceeded with her plan.
Andaleeb put a big shawl over her head as it was now covering one side of her face and upper body. Her hand was sweaty by holding the handle of the suitcase firmly in its place but none could stop her from doing what she wanted. A while ago Aurang asked her to somehow manage to reach the main street where he would pick her up.
She slowly unlocked the door and peeked out. She had a very little time when she was alone. Once her side of relatives was done with greeting the groom's family, those teasing girls' cousins and friends would be back at her door, making jokes about her supposed-to-husband. Andaleeb needed to be sharper than that. She took a step out of the threshold of the room and closed the door silently behind her. The hallway was silent and filled with the smell of mehendi, flowers, and bouquets.
Andaleeb used the spare stairs which were at the backside of their Bangalore seldom used by anyone to win her chance. With difficulty, she managed to reach downstairs in the foyer which led to the garden from its left side. The sound of drums became more prominent and the noise of people too whacked against her eardrum as it came from the opposite side. She hid her face more with the shawl and walked ahead. Not many people were using this area except the men who were associated with either decoration or culinary.
She gasped finding one of her cousins appearing her way. Why was she coming here? What if she would recognize her? Working on her instinct, she pushed herself inside the narrow alley where most wiring and other machinery were placed. It was a bit dark due to the green shade situated above and that definitely gave her a plus point.