Scene 18

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It was already midnight when the girls left my house. Since I no longer had that awful headache and had been asleep the whole day, I decided to stay on our balcony and enjoy the night breeze. The fact that Noon had nursed me the entire day and stayed by my side puzzled me.


I wanted to stick to my previous conclusion that she was treating me better because of our upcoming drama series, but her actions made me think otherwise. Was it really just because of the series? Or—

"Ugh! No, Praewa! Don't even think that way again. You've moved on, remember? There's no need to be hopeful about something that's very close to impossible! Stop it, okay! This is nothing..." I scolded myself.

Partially annoyed, I paced back and forth on the balcony, chanting multiple times not to jump to impossible conclusions. It was for my own good anyway. I didn't want to feel that pain again.

Never again.

However, as if the world were mocking my effort to move forward, the very person causing this dilemma against myself just stopped her car in front of our gate.

I frowned when I saw Noon jumped out of her car. "She really went straight here," I uttered, remembering Pin's words earlier. "Why though?"


I honestly didn't want to go downstairs and open the gate for her, but after several doorbells and phone calls, I had no choice.

With heavy feet, I walked towards our gate. Noon's relieved expression greeted me when I opened the metal door. "Praewa!" she exclaimed, then pulled me into a hug. A few seconds later, I felt her body freeze. She must have realized what she just did. Slowly and awkwardly, she pulled herself away from me.

"S-sorry," she apologized, taking a step back to give us some space.

I looked away. I, too, felt embarrassed. "I-it's okay."

Then we both fell silent. Moments later, Noon broke it. "H-how are you, by the way? Still have a headache?" she asked.

I had no choice but to face her to answer. "Not anymore. The medicine you gave me really helped. Plus, the sleep." I hesitated a bit but continued, "Thanks, by the way. For the medicine, for bringing me back home, for carrying me to bed, and for...uhm...watching over me. The whole day."

After listing all the favors she had done for me today, my earlier thoughts came rushing back. However, I didn't want to jump to conclusions and end up embarrassing myself. It was probably just a slim chance anyway. Besides, the idea that she was only doing these favors because of the upcoming shooting of our drama series still seemed more likely.

Noon flashed a smile. "It was nothing. I was just worried about you. Glad you're fine now," she said.

I smiled back at her. "Yeah, me too. Or else, I wouldn't make it to our first shoot tomorrow. Now that I think about it, you must have been worried about that as well, right?" I asked. "Don't worry, P'Noon, I'll be there on time. And there'll be no changes in the schedule—at least, not because of me. I promise." I even traced a cross in my heart, sealing my promise.

Noon's expression turned appalled. Thinking she wasn't convinced yet, I emphasized one more time, raising my right hand to show my palm. "I really do promise it, P'Noon." I told her again.

I thought that after that, she was finally convinced. But the continuous crease on her brows said otherwise. "What are you talking about, Praewa? I don't think I'm getting the gist of what you're saying," she finally spoke to ask.

"As I said, I know you want us to do great in the drama. And so do I. I appreciate your effort in nursing me back to health today. If you hadn't, I'd still have a headache tomorrow for sure. And when that happens, I probably won't perform well on our first shoot. Which I don't want since there's a lot riding on it. It is to set the tone of the next shoot after al—"

"Wait, wait!" Noon suddenly stopped me, desperately waving her palms in my face. "What the—wait, are you saying I'm doing all of this because of the shoot tomorrow?" she asked.

I nodded to that. "Well, yeah. Aren't you?" I asked.

"Of course not! NO!"

I took a step back, surprised by her sudden raise in voice. Seeing my reaction, Noon quickly apologized. "S-sorry..." Her expression softened. She turned her back on me and messed up her hair. It was my first time seeing her like that. She obviously looked frustrated.

When she faced me again, she looked straight into my eyes. "I..." she paused, then continued, "I was really worried about you earlier."

It was short, but it brought me huge confusion. "Yes, I know. You already told me that. You were worried about me because of the shoot. And that's why I'm thankful—"

"Damn it! Not because of that damn series, Praewa!" she cut me off again. Despite the firmness of her words, her voice remained calm.

It was my turn to crease my brows, not out of confusion but due to her beating around the bush. "Then what was your reason? If it wasn't about the drama series, then what?" I asked.

"Didn't I already tell you? I was worried," she answered like a broken record.

I sighed, slowly getting frustrated myself. "And that is what I am asking since earlier! Why? Why are you worried about me?" Despite not meaning it, my voice raised a bit. "You never were before. Even if I get sick, hospitalized, you did not- not once, showed or cared about me like earlier. So, why? What's with the sudden change?!"

Noon looked at me, as if she could not fathom why I still cannot read between the line. "Isn't it obvious, Praewa? Because I like you. I like you now!"

She announced, not very loudly, but it still made my ears ring. What nonsense is she talking about now?

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