My New Home Hopefully

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Mo opens the doors, and I get to see my new room, and my word is it gorgeous. I have a room, that is so crazy. I really hope that they mean it when they say that I'm allowed to stay with them for as long as I need. I kind of feel like I'm imposing. I start to walk into my new room, Mo and Yuko say goodbye and walk away leaving me alone. I fully walk into the room taking in everything around me, it is all so pretty. In the middle of the back wall is the big bed, guess that is where I'm going to be sleeping for a while, it sure beats the bed I had at the orphanage. I bet this is going to be the best sleep I have ever had. I walk over to the giant window in my room and see that the sun isn't setting yet and decide that I don't want to go to bed yet. And I also don't know what I would sleep in anyways. I should probably ask Mo and Yuko about that. I also want to pick their brains about this place, just so I have a better understanding of where I am. I mean this place already seems awesome.

I start to wonder around the castle trying to find Mo and Yuko. Instead, I found myself standing in front of the Queen. I hope she doesn't get mad at me for wondering around the castle. I mean it isn't like I was getting into trouble or anything, I was just walking around. I didn't even open any doors; I was still in the hallway. Just as I'm fully lost in thought the Queen speaks up, "I see you are trying to figure out your way around the castle. I'm afraid it may take you a little bit to get used to it around here, the castle is quite big. I can show you to any place you need to go." That is not what I was expecting her to say at all. She may be able to tell me where Yuko and Mo are.

"Your Majesty, do you happen to know where Yuko and Mo are?" I say looking up at her.

"Oh sure, and there is no need to call me that you can simple call me Mayla, I mean you are going to be staying with us for a while. It seems only right that you call me by my name." She seems very accepting; I may get an actual family here. What am I saying no one wants me, that has become very clear in the past, I mean my parents left me. Before I can get to lost in that train of thought the Queen starts to walk away, I'm sure she is leading me to Mo and Yuko. We make our way through the halls into the main room, where Yuko and Mo are sitting there talking about how they are going to fight of Panthea. I walk over to them, slowly, I don't want to intrude. Yuko turns and sees me, a smile growing on her face, "Hey Isla, come here." I obviously walk over to where they are sitting. "Hey Yuko, hey Mo, sorry to intrude. I kind of just wanted to ask you guys about this place and get more of an understanding in what is going on."  Yuko and Mo get small frowns on their faces when I say the bit about intruding. I don't really get why though.

"You aren't intruding, and we can defiantly tell you all about Centopia. I guess you would have a lot of questions, Mia sure did, and she already knew a lot about it when she appeared." Mo said.

"What do you want to know first?" Yuko asked.

"Who is Panthea?" Remembering the name that they were talking about when I walked over. They seemed upset at me mentioning that name. Then Mo started to speak, "She is an evil queen, her and her dark elves are taking unicorns and steeling the magic from the land. We are doing everything we can to keep the unicorns and the island safe, but it is hard. We had a weapon to defeat the dark elves, but it was destroyed." Ok, maybe not the best topic to start with. Let's move on, "So, tell me more about unicorns." They both smile.

We've sat here and talked for quite a bit, and I look to the side, looking out the window seeing the sun set. Holly Cow. I should probably go to bed. I can't forget to ask what I should wear to bed, "We should probably be getting to bed, which reminds me, what exactly can or should I wear to bed." Yuko gives a little chuckle, the queen walked over, "There are PJs in the closet in your room, as well as other cloths. I and a few of the other girls got you some cloths and brought them up to your room while you were talking with Yuko and Mo. I thought I should do all I can to make you feel welcome." This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done or said to me. It really does make me feel welcome. These people are so nice, and they really care, it is so refreshing.

"Do you need help finding your room?" Yuko asks.

"No, I think I want to find my way around, I need to start familiarizing myself with this place." Yuko, Mo and Queen Mayla. With that I make my way to the halls. Now I have to find my way to my room, why are these halls so twisty and turny. I feel like I'm going in circles. Then right as I turn the corner, "mmmfffff," I walked right into someone's chest. Of course I did. Instead of feeling the floor like I thought I would, I felt arms around my waist holding me up. 

"Are you ok? You hit me pretty hard." Great I ran into a guy, a guy with a nice voice. I decide to look up and see who I ran directly into. Good Golly, this guy is hot. Isla you should not be thinking those thoughts about a stranger, a stranger I ran into.

"I'm so sorry. I'm kind of new here and I am trying to figure my way around, pretty sure I got lost." His smirk he had turned into a full-on smile, and oh my word he has dimples. This boy, his bright blue eyes staring right into mine.

"Well, new girl, do you happen to have a name?" He asked me, I mean I should probably tell the person that I ran into in the halls, my name. "Isla, and what would your name be, brick wall?" That was suck a bad jock, oh my word I'm making a horrible first impression. The cutest guy I have ever met is going to think I'm the weirdest person ever. But he is smiling, is that a good smile or a bad smile, he is probably smiling because it was so embarrassing.

"So, Isla, I'm Thorian. And I'll take that name as a complement," the smile, I feel like I'm melting just looking at it. "And since you seem to be lost, I can show you to where you need to go." Great he is sweet to. Of course he is sweet, he is an elf.

"Umm, I'm trying to find my way to my room." His face turned to one of shock. He then started to speak, "Are you the new elf from Mia's world?" Oh no, I hope there isn't anything bad going around about me. "Yeah, that is me."

"Sorry, my dad is the head of the royal guard, and yes there is a royal guard. There aren't many of us, but we do exist. Mainly staying out of sight. We are trained in combat, and basically everything to take down anyone." He paused; I think trying to get back to his point. "But, I'm meant to keep an eye on you... Not like keep an eye on you because we don't trust you but because you are new here and don't know how things are around here. Plus, you probably can't fly yet, can you?" Great bring that up, listen dude it's not like I was born with these things, they are very very new. "I get it, and yeah I can't fly yet, I mean I did just get here today." He just gave me a small smile, no teeth, sad.

"I'll take you to your room now, you've had a big day I'm sure you'll need the sleep." We continue walking through the halls till we get to a familiar area, this is where my room is. We walk a few more steps before Thorian stops.

"If you need anything, I mean anything, because I don't want you getting lost again, I'm right across the hall." Oh, that will be nice, I have someone to help me out when I need it, because I will for sure be needing it.

I start to walk into my room, before turning around and saying, "Goodnight Thorian."

"Goodnight Isla," He didn't turn around though. So, I turned around first walking into my room.

I know it is short but I wanted to post it sooner rather than later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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