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My head is spinning from all the alcoholic beverages I drank, yet, it doesn't make me forget what had happened earlier. Fuck it. I can still picture everything even in my drunken state.

Why can't I just forget it?

I admit that I am not into that fucker anymore nor have even a slightest feeling for him but the thought that him and my…

I closed my eyes tightly and as if on cue a heated argument from my brother came into the picture.

“Hindi mo lang ako gustong maging masaya!” He shouted angrily.

I gasped and looked at him with amusement in my eyes.

“Hindi?” I mockingly asked.

How can he say that when I am so much willing to give him everything that makes him happy. Kasi kung ano ang kaligayahan niya ay iyon din ang akin.

Pero ang malaman na…

“Bakit? Hindi ba?” He spat. “You wanted so much the attention! Lahat gusto mo na sa'yo–”

Hindi ko na pinatapos pa ang sasabihin niya dahil sa isang iglap ay lumipad ang palad ko sa pisngi niya. I was already breathing heavily when he looked at me with obvious shock in his eyes. Who wouldn't? When we were so close and I am always his protector, na walang kahit sino ang makakapanakit sa kaniya hanggang nasa tabi niya ako.

Pero ang marinig ang mga iyon na lumabas sa bibig niya ay kailanman ay hindi ko matatanggap. Kilala niya ako. Alam niyang kahit kailan ay hindi ginusto ang atensyong nakukuha ko. Wala akong ibang gusto kundi gawin ang lahat ng makakapagpasaya sa kaniya at sa magulang namin.

“Naririnig mo ba ang sinasabi mo?!” I yelled at him. “How can you say that? How can you fucking say that?!” I am so sure that everyone here in our house can hear how I shouted at my brother.

Ang mahal kong kapatid ay nagagawa akong pagsalitaan ng ganyan para lang sa…

My heart clenched painfully because I can never accept his anger towards me.

“Kahit kailan ay hindi ko gusto ang atensyong nakukuha ko, Martin, alam mo 'yan! Lahat ibibigay ko para sa'yo dahil wala akong ibang gusto kundi ang makita kang masaya!”

“Iyon naman pala! P-pero bakit? Bakit hindi mo magawang…” He trailed off. “Do you still have feelings for him, Myst? Ano? Kaya ganito ka kung maka-react kasi… kasi gusto mo pa siya!”

Hindi makapaniwala akong tumawa sa kaniya. Putang ina. I hate how he say it so confidently like finally, he understood where my disagreement towards his new boytoy's coming from.

“Ganito ba kababaw ang tingin mo sa 'kin, Mart? Huh?!”

“What’s happening here?” he strict baritone voice made Martin close his mouth for whatever nonsense his about to say.

“Gracious goodness!”

Mariin akong napapikit at pagmulat ko ay huminga ako ng malalim. I am already tired from this nonsense argument. Hindi niya makukuha ang punto ko dahil masamang kapatid na ang tingin niya sa akin sa utak niya.

“I stand by my point. You can have any boy you want but not that fucker, Martin. I will never allow you to him.”

A hand snaked around my waist that made stop my reminiscing. I shook my head because clearly… this is another fucker that just wants to get laid. Normally, I would turn them down but because of what happened I think… I need this too.

That's why when the man behind me put his chin on my shoulder and smell my neck… I willingly arched my head to the side to give him full access to my neck.

Beyond the Limit (Isla Paraiso Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now