Hands bound, head covered, gagged and dying a little more each day. I had spent many months this way, captured by the Gloam whilst trying to save Andy from imminent death.
I saved my Mate, and forfeited my life. My weakness was always going to be Andromeda, and despite winning many a battle and over powering the Gloam repeatedly over the years to keep him from our thrones... he took me down so effortlessly in the end. Love became my downfall, particularly the love of an out of control fire fairy who didn't listen to one order I ever gave her.
I didn't know how this would end, and each day I was confused as to why he hadn't killed me yet. He desired everything that was mine, and yet hadn't claimed my life. The only positive was that I knew Andy must have been alive and leading Olamoore, or he would have already swooped in and taken it.
Whilst my mate and my Kin fought to protect our Kingdom, I sat, darkness my companion, and imagined my daughters, their little faces, and how if they were in the after I would surely see them soon. It wasn't long though, before things changed, and the head covering was suddenly removed. In the dank and stinking cell, wrapped in vines and beneath the ground, was another.
The gag was removed, my tongue felt fuzzy and dry as a drink was forced into my mouth, water spilling from my lips as I desperately drank the liquid offered.
"Thirsty little runt" came a voice from the cloaked figure in front of me.
I had heard that word used for me before, from the captured soldier.
I looked around quickly, searching for an exit, hungry to know more of my surroundings. My eyes were used to the darkness by now, and by keeping me locked inside of it, they had in turn given me sight.
Sight was the one thing that had forsaken me the day I had been captured.
"Funny isn't it?!" The figure whispered, a female voice I didn't recognise "you saved that little princess Emerald... and almost got away... and then your own Mate led you back into my hands. Don't worry... I'll slit that little traitor Fire Fairy's throat for you"
I tried to speak, but my voice was hoarse and croaky, not used in so long that it had become lost. Andromeda wasn't a traitor, she was a desperate Mother who stopped thinking clearly the moment her babies were stolen from us.
"She's running the show now you know..." she revealed, stepping back and removing the water bottle from my hands. "Badly if you ask me. What idiot would merge with Thistle?!"
My mind flooded with questions. Surely she hadn't accepted another?! And never Mirren?! Did they think I was dead?!
"Who is merging?!" I asked desperately, my voice finding its way back to me.
The figure laughed. "You have more pressing matters at hand, runt. Olamoore is soon to be mine... rightfully so... and I want you to be there... I extend an invitation to you to bear witness to its demise. In turn you will be the highlight of my crowning... for I will take your head in front of them. Your people will see your head roll...and bend the knee for the rightful heir"
"You?!" I asked, my voice croaky and my throat sore. "What of the King?!"
Laughter filled the small cell "My Father. He wants me to have my birth right. Olamoore is mine...and the rest are his...each Queen overthrown and claimed by him"
I tried to stand, and fell back to my knees. I winced at the pain "No Queen will accept or allow it... it's a death sentence. Is he insane?!"
Jupiter Rising
Fantasy*Completed (July 2024) The Sequel to Rowans Choice. Did it feel over?! No, of course it didn't, because it had only just begun. We've barely even started peeking into the world of Fae and that of the kingdom of Olamoore. Come back with me next tim...