Chapter Thirty Seven - Every Princess

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"Andromeda" Eris called as she entered Rowans chambers "there you are dear cousin. I tell you this war has made everyone a little nuts"

I sat up in bed all discombobulated. Had I fallen asleep?! I remembered watching Rowan being dressed after her bath, but it was clear she was now gone.

"Rowan?" I asked.

"Drawing room" she returned "with Jupiter"

Eris moved around the room tidying and gathering things as she did. "What would you like to wear to war?!" She asked casually, as if we did it every day. "Want to go a little crazy incase we all die, and wear a little pink?!"

I threw a cushion across the room at her, she ducked out the way "not grown on you then" she teased.

She poured some tea into a tea cup and brought it to me, sitting herself on the edge of the bed "Leda is going to be just like you" she mused.

"You've seen her?!" I asked, happily.

Eris nodded "All in black. A very strange outfit I must say. She was looking around the Oak. I bumped into her when I took the lift from Lindens"

I tutted loudly "Cousin that is not wise. What if Mirren sees you leave his chambers"

"If Linden wanted Mirren he would have her"

I took a sip of tea and gazed at her over the top "Perhaps if you left his bed for a night she would find her way into it"

Eris looked irked at the thought "If Linden prefers that highland heathen he can have her. Mirren will never be up to the permanency of court. She lives wild and free in the fallen. She is not one to be tamed. Even Sorcha gave up with keeping her in Thistle"

"Sorcha has never been mother of the year" I remarked.

"No" Eris agreed. "don't get me wrong, I don't want to come in the way of a Royal match, but it is clear that both Linden and Mirren are but friends. They have had their way with one another once before after his Twenty First, and neither felt it necessary to repeat that performance. I gather from that, that the spark is not there"

"Rowan has yet to chastise me about Mirren and Lindens match. I do think there's still time for it to fall flat on its face. She has never wanted to be tied to Thistle, her and Sorcha agree only on that" I reminded her. "And anyway. Mirren is more interested in my mate, than yours"

Eris nodded in agreement "True. Perhaps Rowan can take her as a second wife instead"

Fire flicked from my eyes "Don't make me maim you dear cousin"

Eris jumped out of the way with her hands up in surrender "I'm teasing you. It is clear for all to see where Rowans heart and desires lie. It has only ever been you Andromeda"

I sighed. I knew that was true, and yet my insecurities lingered. Rowan and I had been so distant with one another these last years that I had began to doubt what we had. Did she still want me?! Still love me with the same intensity?! Was I good enough for her?! I had made so many mistakes these last years, and my grief had changed me into someone I hadn't recognised. The moment I saw my girls though, the moment my babies were in my arms again, I felt that heavy and out of control chaos that was my armour these four years, fall away. I felt lighter. Less broken. I had to hope that four years of my worst side, had not driven Rowans heart away from me. It was inevitable that a union will change over the years, and those within it will grow and change and twist and turn into new versions of themselves. I just hoped we grew together... and not apart. I prayed to the ancestors, eyes closed shut, that our love had not become a victim of my anger.

"Hi, morning" Leda greeted, as she peeked around the door. "May I come in?!"

I sat up and placed the tea cup on my bedside cabinet "please" I replied eagerly.

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