Hashira reader (Entertainment District 6)

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The Sun Refused to Shine (Yandere Demon Slayer X Fem Sun Hashira reader) - Entertainment District part 5

UNEDITED! So ignore any errors here cause I've been writing for the past 3 hours.

SMALL CROSSOVER, if you call it, but I don't think this character is popular enough for you to know where they come from. Their small info will be revealed in the end of this chapter :)


"How do I....find my only true love...?"

Muzan catched up to the divine priestess that was about to leave his family's home. He was panting and trying to catch his breath.

The divine priestess turned around and gave him a small pill "Take this, and drink it. This will allow you to sense your true love when they are nearby. It will also allow you to see the red string of fate once your true love turns fifteen. By then, you can start getting to know each other so that you can marry when she's older."

She smiled at Muzan who stared at her with shock and disbelief "I must admit, you are the very first person that piqued my interest since many years ago. I predicted many fortunes yet yours is so...unique."

Muzan decided to eat and swallow it on the spot. He felt a wave of sensation, it wasn't painful, more like a calming feeling.

The priestess chuckled "Oh and by the way..."

Suddenly, white light emitted from the priestess, Muzan covered his eyes with his wrist, it was too blinding.

After the light disappeared, he removed his wrist from his field of view, and saw a tall man standing infront of him. The same spot the priestess was standing.

Muzan was confused, what the hell just happened.

The "priestess" chuckled. He was a tall man, wearing robes that covered his neck, and his face, despite looking young, looked like he lived for thousands of years. Mature and stern.

"Who...who even are you...?" Muzan was rethinking his life decisions on drinking that pill.

"Be not afraid." The man smiled "I'm an old sack of bones anyway, what can i do other than tell fortunes and play cards? And use my remaining spiritual power to switch forms and make disguises."

Muzan had his guard up and backed a step away "What....is your name?"

The man chuckled "Mei Nianqing." He sighed "Don't worry, that pill wasn't poison, it will do its job five centuries later. Youngsters these days..."

Muzan worries lifted a little "You are a mysterious man, a few minutes ago you were a woman dressed modestly in a shrine maiden outfit, now you're a man dressed in..." His voice trailed off when trying to describe the man's outfit

"Haha, don't fret over it. I must return to the upper court for an urgent meeting with the emperor. We will meet each other again, centuries maybe...? Or a millenia. Hm, who knows."

The man turned around, ready to leave, however he stayed for a bit longer to say his parting words.

"Muzan Kibutsuji, you will one day face a situation that will allow you to live centuries. With one disadvantage, you will never see the sun for the rest of your life. I can not tell you how to overcome this, when it is your destiny. However, I request that you treat your only true love well and devote yourself to her. For this will be your redemption. Farewell."

Instead of exiting through the door, the man just...disappeared without a trace.

Muzan stood there, like a statue. He was stunned and was processing Mei Nianqing's words.

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