Chapter#1 Welcome Home

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To everyone reading this story, remember this will contain spoilers. And I will be adding a bit of my own stuff into it as the lore for Elden Ring can be confusing at times (like any other Souls game). So please keep that in mind, I'm writing this because 1, I felt like it. And 2 I wanted to write a story involving Elden Ring and actually trying to save people you could have saved if you could have had a speaking roll in the actual game. I also want to clarify that there will be a lot of things from the Fate series or less from me simply wanting to add them. I will do my best to add these things in a way that you will enjoy. I will be finishing this and my other story I have so don't worry about them being left half done, I know how that can suck so don't worry. I will do my best to at leat write 1 or 2 chapters per week. I simply hope you will give my writing a chance and hopefully enjoy the story I will create.

Have an awesome day!

-Author Dude.



        My body was made of swords.

Those were the last words my mother ever spoke to me before she sealed me away. I didn't understand why she did it, I was scared, and I felt alone. My only company was the swords within my mind. Thousands on thousands, some from worlds unknown and some I knew well. I counted them and categorized them, I listened to their stories, and I felt their hopes. One sword in particular stood out from all others. It was a medium length broadsword of gold and blue. Along the blade etched were words in a language I did not understand along with the runes that ran elegantly across its gaurd. The royal blue held on the runes and the grips soft and firm wrap while a pure gold adorned the rest. The blade itself almost seemed to glow in the fake sun's light and by just standing next to it. It eased my worries and doubts. Simply being near it, I felt..........hope........I felt as if all would be okay.

Soon after what felt like years, the rusty sky above me cracked and shattered. The next thing I knew, I was laying face first on the cold wet floor of a dark brick room. Water dripped slightly from the dingy ceiling, soaking the old red carpet of the once regal room. The once white brick walls were now a dull blackish brown, and the candles long since gone out, leaving hardened wax on the floor and tables. Most importantly, the once thick silver crystal I was in was broken and scattered across the dirt and water covered ground. My golden and red mixed hair was now pure snow white, and my once golden eyes were dull silver.

"*Cough!, Cough!*, w-what, where am I?" I cough out as I try and catch my breath. My arms felt tired, and my legs felt like jelly. The once red and gold outfit I wore was now a torn mess. One of my shoes was missing, a sleeve was torn off, and the other half was simply ripped to rags losely dangling.

Slowly, I reached a weak hand on a nearby table and began to pull myself up, but it fell apart, causing me to tumble to the wet floor smearing dirt across my face and arms.

"M-mother?" I whisper out in pain as I stand up weakly with the help of an old table leg. Weakly, I hobbled my way to the old oak door in front of me and began to push it open with my shoulder. When it opened, I was met with a dark corridor, left lead to a collapsed hallway, and to my right led to a spiral staircase. Slowly, I walked up it all the while the rithmic drips of the ceiling growing more and more faint as I ascended. And soon, a faint light came into view at its top. As I reached the top , I opened the iron gate at the top and walked out. I was met with a scene that made my heart sink. The once golden and green grass field that sat outside the capital was now an old war-torn mess with craters, and debris littering, it's width. Old seige machines laied strewn about in different states of disrepair or simply just destroyed. Old corpses of dead soldiers laid all around in states of decay, still clutching their weapons. As I walked through the sea of destruction, an intense pain shot throughout my body like somebody poured lava into my vains. I collapsed onto the ground and began to seize up and scream out in pain before darkness began to cloud my vision as I began to pass out, but as I did, I heard the faint sound of footsteps from a horse.

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