Chapter#15 Flowers Bloom

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Good in the world can not exist without evil and vice versa. Evil balances out the good and good balances out evil. Too much of ether would bring nothing but pain. Thus, even something as pure and good as the sword Excalibur and Avalon mist have a mirror. Excalibur Morgan is named after the witch, who's spent her whole life finding ways to hurt King Arthur and became king, and Vortagern, leader of the Saxons who Arthur and his knights fought till the end of the kingdom of Camelot. Ash was never considered worthy to weild something as powerful as Avalon and Excalibur, and thus, it was possible for him to corrupt both. Ash was never capable of wielding the true power Excalibur, and to compensate for it, the sword allowed more of the miasma of Excalibur Morgan to leak through as a way to compensate for the lack of power. The same went for Avalon. In the end, Ashes' negative emotions caused the regulations between both sides to fracture, allowing Excalibur Morgan to take control followed by Vortagern for Avalon.

Excalibur Morgan, the sword of the tyrant king.

Vortagern, the sheath that curses and brings destruction.

Both are now weilded by a man who only wished to hold onto something he loved and acknowledge it exists through the fridged loneliness he felt.


Dust and debris covered the courtyard as a result of the attack. As Lansseax stood to her feet, she coughed out dust as she tried to see around her. Millicent was in the same boat as she weakly stood back up, only she never got to her feet as she was stopped by a dark sword pointed at her neck. As the dust cleared in, it was revealed to be Ash. The visor on his eyes crumbled off to reveal his pale gold eyes staring down at her with an empty look. Suddenly, his sword retracted before turning around and walking towards a form, struggling to stand.

"Gugh!" Shibriri grunted as a metal boot slammed down on his chest, causing blood to spit out of his mouth.

"......." Ash didn't speak as he lifted up bis blade prepared to stab him through the heart only for his arm to be grabbed by Lansseax.

"David might still be saved. Please don't, Ash!" She shouted.


With a nasty backhand to her face, Lansseax was sent to the ground, and before she could stand back up, a sword pointing at her face stopped her.

"Stay out of my way," he spoke in a flat, emotionless voice. His pale eyes bore a hole in hers as they stare at one another.

"How t-touching, despite your rage, you still show some mercy hahah-! AGH!" Shibriri laughed only to be stabbed in the shoulder and have the blade twisted.

"....." Ash said nothing even as a faint grin game to his face.

"Neagh! Hahaha!" Shibriri laughed, confusing Ash. However, the reason was revealed when he was blasted by a bolt of red lightning! Quickly turning, he was met with Lansseax with her hands held out as red lightning crackled off them.

"....." No words came from Ash as he stabbed his blade through Shibriris's stomach to hold him before turning to Lansseax and slowly walking towards her with a deep frown and anger.

"Ash, you must stop!" Lansseax shouted, shooting another bolt only for it to be slapped away as Ash marched closer. She tried to back up only for a gauntleted fist to slam into her sternum, knocking the air out of her. Then, as she was recovering, Ash grabbed a fistful of her hair before throwing her to the ground violently.

"I warned you to stay out of my way," Ash said flatly before grabbing her hair again and pulling her up to his pale face.

"Ash stop....please!" Millicent shouted only to be blasted back by a wave of black and purple aura.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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