Full Name:iris mira Gallagher
Nickname:ririAge:15 (season 1), 16 (season 2) , 17 (season 3) , 18 (season 4), 19 (season 5), 20 (season 6) , 21 (season 7), 22 (season 8), 23 (season 9), 24 (season 10 and 11)
Likes:dancing, reading, family, friends, drawing
Dislikes:fights, yelling
Is bisexual
She is bipolar and she has adhd and anxiety but she's really good in controlHas a scholarship too everlast dance school goes too school 3 days a week stays in the dorms 2 nights because she has too take the tube because her school is in Crownpoint in Indiana its a 1 and 45 minutes ride but because she only has school 3 days a week and then she's home 4 days a week
She loves her family a lot but hates when they fight also loves animals