Chapter 2: Rotten To The Core

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-Isle of the Lost-

A girl with short purple hair was standing on top of boxes while finishing her "Long Live Evil" graffiti on the wall but then she turned around. 

"They say I'm trouble" Mal sang as she was jumped off the boxes and started to walk ahead. "They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad" she sang as she bumped into a person's shoulder. 

"A dirty no-good, down to the bone" Jay sang as he was climbing down a latter. "Your worst nightmare can't take me home" he sang as he pushed a door open and went through. 

"So, I got some mischief, in my blood" Evie sang as she started to strut down a table as she ignored the people who were yelling at her. "Can't you blame me? I never got no love" Evie continued to sing as she went over a bar while looking at someone then left. 

"They think I'm callous" Carlos sang as him and his twin sister Caitlin came through a window. "A low life hood" Caitlin sang as she watched her brother steal a scarf/bandanna from a guy's pocket. "I feel so useless, misunderstood!" they both sang as they passed by a kid and Caitlin stole the apple and bit into before tossing back to the kid. 

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all?" as Evie, Caitlin and Mal sang together as all three of the girls made their way through the alley. "Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world" 

"I'm rotten to the core, core, rotten to the core" they sang as the five villain kids meet up and pushed open a gate and ran through the area. "I'm rotten to the core, core, who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten the core!" as they sang and making their way to the tunnel by making chaos. 

The five vk's grabbed two sticks each and banged them while running through the tunnel and laughing. 

" Call me a schemer, call me a freak" Mal sang as she went through people and grabbed a spray can. "How can you say that? I'm just unique" she sang while going up to a curtain and spray painting an M on it and opened it while a person was bathing in a bathtub but fully clothed. 

"What me a traitor? Ain't got your back?" Jay sang as he jumped over and landed in front of two people drinking. "Are we not friends? What's up with that?" he sang as he was pretending to be polite towards the people sitting and acting as if he was going give them something but took it and ran away.  

"So, I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt" Evie sang as she went through a shop. "I broke your heart? I made ya heart?" she sang as she went up to a guy and took his scarf in her hand and yanked it making to the guy go in a circle and went hiding. 

"The past is past" Carlos sang while him and Caitlin jumped on a table. "Forgive, forget" Caitlin sang as she threw a basket on some girl head. "The truth is you ain't seen nothing yet!" they sang while they jumped onto a wagon with hay and through it at the girl. 

"Mirror, mirror on the wall" the girls sang as they leaned towards the edge and was watching Jay and Carlos. Jay jumped on a swinging bar and Carlos pushed him with a rope. "Who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world" they sang as the five started running out. 

As the five meet up but as they started dancing with other people in the background. "I'm rotten to the core, core, I'm rotten to the core. I'm rotten to the core, core, rotten to the core who could ask for more? I'm nothing like kid next, next, like the kid next door! I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core!" the five sang as they all stopped dancing and started to laugh together. 

Mal went up to a baby and its mother who was pushing the baby in a wagon and stole the lollipop from the baby. 

But as she showed it to everyone all the people behind the kids started to scream and run away from them. 

As two guys approached them with someone behind them but as they got closer the person revealed them self. 

"Hi mom" Mal said to her mother as she turned around. 

"Stealing candy Mal?" said Maleficent before continuing "I'm so disappointed" 

"It was from a baby" said Mal as she tried to impress her mother. 

 "That's my nasty little girl" Maleficent said while she took the lollipop. As she did, she spit on and put it under her armpit for a second. 

"Give it back to the dreadful creature" she said to one of her guards while handing it to him. 

"Mom" said Mal dreading on what her mother did because she was trying to impress her.  "It's the deet's, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil" said Maleficent to her daughter as she waved to the mother. 

"When I was your age" Maleficent started before continuing. "I was cursing entire kingdoms" she said but as doing so Mal was mouthing it with her. 

"You walk with me" said Maleficent to Mal as they started to walk away from the other four. "See, I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts, how to be me" she said. 

"I know that. And I'll do better" Mal said to her mother for wanting to do better than she was. 

"Oh! There's news. I buried the lead" Maleficent said to her daughter and the other kids while scaring them a little bit. "You five have been chosen to go to a different school" she said before pausing for a moment then continuing.  "In Auradon" she said while looking at the kids. 

Evie, Carlos, Caitlin and Jay tried to escape as they heard the news about going to a different school then the one they've been going to. But it was no use because Maleficent's guards got a hold of them. 

"What?" said Mal surprised on what her mother just told them. "I'm not going to boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses" Mal said continuing. 

"And perfect princes" said Evie in a dreamily voice as she stepped forward. As she did Mal looked at her annoyed on what she just said. "Ugh" 

"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms" said Jay before continuing. "Unless it's leather. You feel me?" he continued. 

Carlos stepped forward behind Mal before he started taking. "I read somewhere that they allow dog in Auradon" he said before his sister decided to speak up by Evie. 

"Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat kids who don't behave" said Caitlin as she was scared from what her mother told her and her twin. 

Jay came up behind the twins and started barking to them scaring them out of their skin. Carlos hit Jay in the process while Caitlin hid behind Evie. 

"Yeah, mom, we're not going" said Mal in an irritated voice as she tried to convince her mother to let them stay. 

"Oh, you're thinking small pumpkin!" exclaimed Maleficent to her daughter. "It's all about world domination!" Maleficent continued. 

"Knuckleheads!" Maleficent yelled towards her guards while walking away before turning towards Mal. "Mal" she said in a sing song voice. 

Mal and her four friends followed Maleficent thinking what is the worst thing that could happen while all five of them went to Auradon. 

A/N:  Hello! Here is chapter 2! I hope you like it I know it's in 3rd Pov but I just write better in that Pov. I hope you guys like it so far. Happy 4th of July who anyone celebrates it! 

Weasleydove xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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