clear mind

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I couldn't believe Lily. She has had so many punishments the past few weeks. Im starting to think I should go harder on her punishments so she learns to be a good girl.

While I see her leave to go to the bedroom, I go get the paddle with many little holes in it that spell out brat.

I also prepare a vibrator and some ropes because damn she moves so much when I edge her. I can't fucking wait to hear her moan out my name and beg for me to stop the punishment she deserves.

I slowly walk into our bedroom and I see her on her knees looking very deep in thought. I come up closer to Lily and she doesn't seem to sense I'm still here. I come all the way around her, put down the items and see her face is a bit damp with tears. I grab her face and make her snap out of any trance she was in.

"What's wrong" I ask sincerely wanting to know what she was thinking.

"Nothing" she says nonchalantly

"Lying will cause you more of a punishment then you already have" I sternly tell her

"I don't know really, I was just deep in thought" she says looking down not being able to hold eye contact.

"then tell me what your thinking about." I say gently pulling her head a bit more up so she can put her eyes on mine.

"I just — I don't — I feel like — I don't know what I was thinking about" she says defeated.

" come here over my lap, you need to clear your mind before the punishment. I need you to breathe and slowly go into a meditative state okay." I say gently while helping her up and over my lap.

"ok" she says quietly

And I start raining down SMACKS after SMACKS. I see her tense up and her flight or fight response starts kicking in. She tries to get out of the pain but I put my leg over hers and hold her wrist with my other hand.

As I keep raining down more and more she becomes more relaxed, her breathing is steady and she becomes more tired and sleepy.

I start to slowly stop, and rub her pinkish red ass. Lily just lies over my lap almost like about to fall asleep. I pick her up and tell her to lie down on the bed, while I go get the soothing cream.

I slowly rub it over the sore area, she hums in relief. I pick her up again and carry her down the stairs to the kitchen of our apartment.

I place her down on the cushion chair and grab her water and a snack.

I give them to her and sternly tell her to eat all of the food. She slowly starts to eat it and I sit next to her opening the bottle of water and giving it to her. She lays her head on my shoulder and we sit like that for a little while until she finished her food.

I pick her up again, she's more awake now but is now in subspace. I put her on the couch and play our show that she loves called Lucifer. It's pretty exciting. I go up to her and give her a kiss and tell her I'm going to order some food.

"what are you ordering" she asks quietly almost so quietly that I didn't hear it.

"Whatever you want and if you can't decided I'll js pick something off the top of my head" I say gently.

"can we have Chinese food from the yummy restaurant" she asks

I chuckle and nod my head yes and she lights up in excitement. I go and order the pizza while making sure Lily doesn't go into subdrop. I know it's easier for Lily to go into subdrop since she has major depression and is on medication for it.

I come back to her and she cuddles up beside me with our huge-white-fluffy-ass blanket. 

"when will I get my punishment" Lily asks out of the blue.

"well we can't do it right now, so maybe later tonight if you want or we can wait until tomorrow." I say looking in her eyes.

"can we get over it later tonight" she asks with a single tear escaping her eye.

"if you want it tonight then yes we can do it later tonight."

We watch the next two episodes in season 3, and eat the Chinese food I ordered. My Lily she looked so pretty I loved her so much.

I know I have to punish her in a bit but I like how she looks all happy and snuggled up with me. She is definitely going to be my future wife.

All I need is a perfect moment...

A/N: guys I know it's a short chapter but the next one is a really long cause yk it's a punishment and our Lily has not been on her best behavior. So anyways when should Alex propose???

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