♾️ FOR LIFE ♾️

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Chapter One

"nova, wait up!" her baby sister panted trying to keep the same speed as her sister but her short legs wouldn't allow her.

"juju we bout to miss the bus, come on lil girl." janova huffed, if they missed this bus it was not telling how long the wait would be for the next one and they were already late.

"i'm trying but it's too hot." juju complained, nova didn't argue with her because she was right it is 90° in August none the less.

juju finally caught up to nova with beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. "let's get you something to drink." nova suggested looking around, there were a few corner stores up and down their rough neighborhood but drug dealers, homeless people, and sex workers littered the side that the store was on.

nova huffed looking at the store and back at her 14 year old sister, "stay close to me." nova said taking her sisters hand as they crossed the busy street.

juju let go of her sisters hand and ran ahead when she seen her friends. Nova watched her sister and her friends interact.

"you just gone walk pass me like that?" a male voice rang out in sarcasm making nova revert her gaze from her sister to the guy, who walked up to her.

"oh, my bad scar. i didn't see you there." nova smiled at the handsome childhood friend.

"it's fine, nunu. you ain't the same lil girl who rocked braces and headgear in 6th grade to the summer before 10th grade year." scar chuckled, a faint smirk on his face.

She has always been beautiful in his eyes, headgear or not. "i am so. your the one that looks different with your tattoos and you grew your dreads. they look good on you." nova returned the compliment, sucking on her bottom lip.

"thank you. y'all need a ride?" he questioned being that they missed the last bus to the middle school.

"uh, no thanks. we can walk." she shook her head, politely declining.

"girl you finna walk to Hamilton? get yo ass in the car." scar smacked his lips unlocking the car in front of them.

it was a red and black camaro, his favorite type of car. "damn you finally got it. wait, i need to get juju something to drink." she huffed remembering why they came to the store.

"I'll get it. juju come with me." scar yelled out getting her attention. nova watched as they walked into the store together from his car.

a few minutes later they walked out and toward the car, scar helped juju in the backseat then got into the drivers seat, driving off toward the middle school.

They dropped juju off at her school. "where do you want to go?" scar asked nova.

"I'm off today, but i wanted to go downtown to pay the gas and electricity bill." she told him, thinking he would just drop her off, but nope.

He walked in with her and paid all of the overdue bills including her rent for the next few months.

"you didn't have to do that you know, but thank you." nova smiled small as she took a spoonful of her frozen yogurt into her mouth.

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