♾️ FOR LIFE ♾️

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chapter five

nova nervously chewed her inner cheek as she sat across from scar, he silently ate his japanese food while she stared at his plate.

He glanced up at her through his naturally long lashes, "you wanted to talk about us, what's on your mind?" he asked snapping his fingers, she looked him in his eyes and grew nervous.

He was nervous about what she wanted to talk to him about, but it helped subside his own conversation he needed to have with her. "um, I've been thinking and..." she begun to say then paused.

"it's time for me to get my own place." she blurted out, it was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

"that's what you wanted to talk about? okay, we can starting looking for apartments near your job." he shrugged taking a deep breath, but he grew anxious again.

"not really. you said you liked me a lot that day at the mall, were you telling the truth?" she questioned.

"yes, i meant everything i said that day. when i said i liked you a lot what i really should've said was i am still in love with you, janova and i haven't stopped. if you aren't ready to say it i understand, there is no rush. Im not saying jump right into a relationship, but we will continue to learn each other more and more as long as the flame between us doesn't burn out." he exhaled deeply & in one breath.

janova stared at him eyes wide, she was in slight shock this was not what she expected at all. "if im being truthfully honest scar, i never stopped loving you. it broke me when we ended things before and i pretended to be okay with the breakup, but i wasn't. You were my first real boyfriend, my first heartbreak and my best friend. I don't want anything to stop us from growing and thriving together." nova broke her silence and scar nods, his anxiety leveling out.

"i don't want to hold you back either, so we can start dating other people and if things don't work out with them then what we have is meant to be." scar spoke, nova nods in agreement.

"the only person i want is right in front of me and has been since middle school." nova truthfully spoke.

they finished dinner in a comfortable silence. scar paid for their meal and they took a long walk on the beach. "i had the most amazing night in my life. thank you for this really." nova smiles up at scar, looking adoringly into his eyes.

He held eye contact with her, "you're welcome pretty. I'm glad that you enjoyed your night." he smiled caressing her cheek. He leans down to her planting a sweet and tender kiss onto her lips.

He slips his tongue between her parted lips, sloppily kissing her while holding her close to him by her waist. He slips his hand into her pants massaging her pussy through her panties.

"oh my" she moans into the kiss sucking on his bottom lip as he pulls away. He slides her panties to the side and rubs her slit.

He pulls his hand out of her pants, licks her juices off of him, and stuffs them into her mouth.

"you taste so sweet pretty." he mumbles into her ear, she blushes and stuffs her bottom lip into her mouth.

"thank you papi." she shyly says, reverting her gaze from him to the sand beneath their feet.

"look at me pretty girl." he lifts her chin up, her eyes fall on his and he intently stares down at her as if he was looking into her soul.

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