♾️ FOR LIFE ♾️

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chapter three

"scar, h-he killed her." nova cried in his arms, he rubbed small circles on her back trying to comfort her as much as he could.

"who? who killed her?" he questioned looking down at nova.

"d-daryl, our sleazy landlord." nova coughed, her voice cracking with every breath.

"what? why would he do that?"

"my parents was suing him and when they died he came after me wanting me to drop the suit against him. I told him no, he kept pressuring me that he'd call cps and have juju taken away from me if i didn't have sex with him and drop the lawsuit we had. I d-didn't so he blackmailed me getting me fired from my job and shit. I want him dead." nova admitted.

A mug plastered on scars face as he listened to everything she was telling him. He was heated, how could someone do that to his family, the people he called mom and dad.

The kindest people in the fucking word.

Daryl needed a taste of his very own medicine and scar would be the one to exact his revenge. He deserves to die.

scar didn't have any words that would make her feel any better, so he just listened and consoled her. He texted the one person he knew to find out any information on a Daryl Miles.

Hopefully the information would be usefully. Nova's cries died down. Scar looked down at her and she had cried herself to sleep.

"you're safe here pretty girl. I got you." He whispered kissing her forehead he stared up at the ceiling.

His eyes grew weak and he fell asleep.

the next morning

janova woke up and felt the right side of the bed, instantly frowning. She slowly sat up and looked around but scared wasn't there.

The aroma of breakfast filled her nose and she pulled the cover off of her and slipped on a pair of his socks before walking out of the bedroom. She walked down the floating staircase to the modern kitchen.

"good morning beautiful." scar smiled up at her while fixing her a plate of food.

"good morning. this smells and looks delicious." she smiles hugging his waist.

"i appreciate it beautiful. I got something for you." scar said, leaning down to hug her back and kissing her forehead.

Their height difference was insane. He was 6'2 and she was 5'3 making her come to his torso. "let's eat then figure out what we doing, ight." he raised his brow at her, grabbing both of their plates while she grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge.

Nova wasn't in the eating mood but she needed to force herself to eat something.

She sat across from scar at the end of the dining table, but she didn't like being that far from him so she got up and sat beside him. "you clingy as hell lil girl." scar playfully mugged her.

"shut upp" nova dramatically sighed mushing his shoulder.

"she watch it na," he mugged smacking his  teeth at her. they finished eating their breakfast and watched a few movies then took a slight nap.

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