Chapter 5

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I stared at the woman who stood before me. Her grey eyes locked on mine with her eyebrows furrowed. I took another sip of the water then closed it and handed it back to her. She grabbed it out of my hand with attitude.

"What exactly is your problem with me?" I asked her.

"What makes you think I have a problem with you?" She questioned with one eyebrow up. Her eyes shimmed as they stared into my own, waiting for my reply.

"Your attitude towards me."

"I don't have an attitude it's just that I'm too high for all of this."

"All of what?" I asked her now standing up.

She walked away from me heading to the kitchen. She got out a packet of chips and biscuits that were in a container from the highest cupboard. Looks like she was hiding them from someone. I looked around at the house I was in, guessing it was hers since she knew where everything was.

I knew who I was and how I came to be but I had ever only been out once. This would be the second time. The first time was very brief, something had triggered Mia which led to her taking a step back from reality involuntarily. She was not around anyone at the time; she was in bed on her phone searching human trafficking. I had no interest in reading further so I exited the page and that was all I could remember.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked her, whoever she was.

"Because you don't seem like yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"Your voice is a little deeper and even your posture is odd, like... manly. And you clench your jaw a lot." She examined. I unclenched my jaw then automatically clenched it again. Feels more comfortable.

"Your opinion means little to me because I don't even know you." I stated.

She scoffed, "So you don't know me now? Seriously Mia?"

"I'm not fucking Mia!!!!" I yelled at her. I felt my body temperature rise.

"Then who the fuck are you then?!?!??!" She yelled back at me.

I sat back down with my head hanging low. Initially I planned that I would pretend to be Mia. Try behave like I'm her but I can't. It didn't feel right so I just told her the truth. The first person I shared my existence to.

"Jordan." I had said. The confusion on her face was kind of comical. Her head was tilted to the side like how a dog does when in confusion.

"Okay look Mia... Jordan... whoever, just please go lay down and sleep this off. I think that's what's best for you guys. I can't even tell if I'm tripping or if this is really happening. So can you and I take a nap? I'll call your mom to tell her that you'll be staying over." She said to me.

I have a mother? I don't know anything about Mia's life. None of her friends nor who she is exactly. I have bits and pieces of information here and there but I have no understanding of who she really is. I planned on changing that, maybe appear as often as I can subtly.

"Okay can I at least get your name?" I asked politely. I couldn't stay over at some random lady's place without knowing her name. Mia knew her but I didn't.

"Charison. My name is Charison. Mia, Jordan."

I nodded my head adding a little smirk at the end. She had acknowledged my presence which made my heart skip a beat. Charison wasn't so bad, just a bit rude.

I suddenly felt a wave of fatigue wash over me; a feeling of drowsiness. I layed my head down and I slipped into darkness.


I watched Mia or Jordan lay down on the counter and I sighed in relief that I didn't have to deal with her insanity again. Even though the position she was layed in looked uncomfortable I was afraid to move her. I didn't want her waking up but I spoke too soon. She shot up and looked at me then looked around. I watched her carefully unsure of her next move.

"Wasn't I laying on the couch?" She asked me. Then she gasped and questioned if she was sleep walking. This was definitely her first time on marijuana

"Bro I'm never smoking with you again." I said then walked away from her with my container of biscuits and my packet of chips in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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