Chapter 44

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V* 

I think after a great Royal Rumble I thought I was ready for Raw when everyone on the whole rooster got the news. Apparently Raw would not be happening tonight and that it will but only at headquarters. Great. That also means that I won't be with Dean at all tonight. We were suppose to spend some time with each other after Raw but apparently it won't happen. Dean has to be at the show and I wasn't so I was with the girls. Paige wanted me to be with her and Alicia at the hotel. I figured that I might as well. I would be with the Bella Twins but they are somewhere else. So right now we were just at the hotel pretty much doing nothing. 

"I can admit that it sucks that we don't have Raw tonight" I said. 

"I think that it would be alright though. I heard that Smackdown was gonna be live because Raw can't because of the blizzard" Alicia said. Okay then I guess you can say that made me feel a little bit better. 

"Wait, I thought you were suppose to be with Dean tonight?" Paige asked while looking at me. I looked back at her.

"Well since he has to be at the show and I can't it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I really wanted to be with him though" I said thinking about him. I can't help that. 

"I am sure that he will make it up to you or something"

"I highly doubt that. He would be too busy with the other shit that he has to do" I said. 

"Well I wouldn't want to think that. Just wait and see what he does. I have a feeling that he would want to do something because you mean the world to him and he wants to see you happy" Paige said. 

She had a point. But it doesn't mean that it will happen or not 

"Okay so we might as well take this off Brooklyn's mind. Should we just do something." Alicia asked.

"We really can't do anything because we are in a hotel. If we were anywhere else then trust me we would be doing something else" Paige said while being on her phone. 

"I just wish this blizzard never happened" I said burying my head into a pillow. 

It's really boring in a hotel room and you pretty much have nothing to do. We weren't in the mood to watch any TV and what can you do on your phones the whole time?

"Even though Raw is at headquarters are we gonna watch it?" I asked.

"I mean if you want to. Just so you can see your boyfriend then that is totally cool" Paige said. The way she said it was kinda rude. It looked like she didn't want to see it. Well I'm sorry.

"Well if you don't want to see it then we don't have to" I said just trying to make her not feel mad that I wanted to watch it. 

"No, no you want to see your boyfriend and I totally respect that. We will watch it with you" Paige said. 

It looked like she just wanted me to have my own way. She didn't even have to do that. My gosh. 

I was looking out the window and saw how much snow there was. It was still coming down hard and I would understand why that Raw was cancelled tonight and that it was happening at headquarters. I just couldn't help but think of Dean. I wanted to be with him and truth be told I rather be with him than Paige and Alicia. Not that I hate them but I wanted to be with Dean. 

"Okay so let's take a picture together" Paige said getting her camera ready and we took a picture together. She had approved it and then posted it on Instagram. I liked it as well. 

*Dean's P.O.V*

I was just with Roman for a little bit. He had to be at headquarters as well so I figured that I would just hang out with him for a little bit before I get ready to go to headquarters myself. 

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