Chapter 51

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V* 

I still can't believe that in two weeks is Fast Lane and I am really excited about it. Even though I don't have a match, even though I should. I will be at ringside for Paige. I mean she is my friend and I am counting on her. I still want to know what is up with her lately. I haven't been complaining a bit about her because I am barely around her now. She seems different. But I did remember when she was a bit bitchy towards me. Like who am I kidding? It is just making it seem weird and I am not liking it at all. I guess I am gonna have to find out for myself one day.

"So two weeks is Fast Lane, how do you feel?" I asked Paige as we were walking around town.

"Oh, you know just excited. I am finally getting a shot at the title" she smiled. I feel like she would just want to rub it in my face because I am the one not getting the shot.

"I don't blame you for acting that way. That title is a big deal to anyone"

"Brooklyn, would you ever want a shot at the title?" she asked me.

"Well I was kinda hoping for a chance at the Royal Rumble personally. But I mean I can wait a little longer" I shrugged.

"Well your time will come pumpkin. You just gotta wait a little bit" she said wrapping an arm around me and then pulling me closer, which in fact she was crushing me.

"I..can't...breathe" I said the best that I could.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that" she said and then looked in a different direction.

"Okay, so I have been meaning to ask you this for a while. Are you acting strange?" I asked her. She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Well you are barely talking to me now and even on Raw last night when your match was over I tried to talk to you but then you suddenly run off. Why?"

"I just had to do something important. No biggie." she said shaking her head.

"But pretty much you haven't been hanging out with me either. You seem distant" I said and then I realize that her facial expression changed. I think she was keeping something from me.

"Paige, what is going on?"

"Brooklyn, I can assure you that nothing is going on. I am just going through a hard time because of this agenda and it is just making me stress. I am sure that I will be okay in a couple of days" she said. I didn't know if I should believe her or not considering that reason makes a lot of sense. I am not gonna speak no more about this. 

"Well, when you put it that way okay" I said. She looked over at me.

"Wait, do you think I am hiding something?" she asked. 

"No, I don't think so at all. I was just thinking that since you haven't been talking to me for awhile I thought you hated me or something" then she started laughing.

"Oh Brooklyn, you are so silly. I can never hate you. Never in a million years" she smiled. That had made me feel better.

"You had just made my day by just saying that" I told her.

"Well I am always wanting to make anyone's day. I am glad that I was able to make yours" 

I can admit I can remember every bad thing that she has ever done and said to me. Sure, I may have forgiven her but I surely knew that I haven't forgotten what she had said and did. But I was happy that we were best friends again and I am hoping that it says that way. 

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