Chapter 54

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*Dean's P.O.V* 

So I am really happy to say that I am now getting my chance at the Intercontinental Championship against Bad News Barrett at Fast Lane. I mean I had to do something like that either way. It was bound to happen if you have someone like me that knows how to get what he wants. I wanted that championship match and I got it. At the moment I was just with Roman and Dolph. 

"He seems to be in his thinking place or something?" I heard Dolph said to Roman. I snap out of my thoughts and turned to look at them.

"I was just actually just thinking about my title match this Sunday. I really can't wait for it" I smirked.

"Oh trust me we can tell that you are really happy about it" Roman teased and I sent him a glare.

"Oh don't say that you hated what I did to him. Did you?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow. I mean I zip tied him to the ring post and made him sign the contract.

"I can admit that was pretty clever. Most people won't do that" Dolph said adding his input.

"Okay, I can agree with him. Very clever and also very sneaky. I swear he would need to watch out for you when you two are in the ring. He might not know what can happen" Roman said adding his. 

I can actually think about it a little bit. I mean it was true.

"Thanks for adding your opinions. They just make me feel confident that I will win" I smiled. I did an actual smile.

"Well actually have to because we are your friends" 

"Yeah, yeah" I waved that comment off and then ate some of my french fries. 

"So hows the girl going?" Dolph asked me and that just made me blush by just hearing her name.

"Oh it's going amazing. It's been the best two months so far"

"When it is gonna be three months?" Roman asked. 

"Umm in a couple of days. Not really sure how many days though" I said very honest. 

"Well that's good enough so how question that last time I talked to you. You had told me some news between Brooklyn and Paige. How did you take the news when you told her?" Roman asked. 

I completely remembered what he had told me. He told me to tell Brooklyn that Paige was only using her so that she can have a chance at the title and if she didn't believe me than I get some proof. 

"I told her and she had asked me if I was joking at first but I then told her that Renee told me. I even told her that she can talk to Renee if she wanted to and see for herself. I am not gonna stop her" I said.

"Wait, wait wait. What's going on?" Dolph butted in. He looked confused and it's hilarious.

"There is more Brooklyn and Paige drama" I said very blunt.

"Again? Why do they always have to have drama?" 

"It's not Brooklyn's fault. Blame Paige" Roman said.

"I swear that girl is now out of her mind. What does she want now?" he asked.

"Diva's title. She doesn't care about Brooklyn." I said. 

It really just pisses me off. I actually thought that I can trust Paige but no. She was faking this whole time and even Alicia had knew. I hated how my baby was going through this and doesn't deserve this one bit. She needs to be happy and not be going through this.

"She is not even trustworthy" Dolph said shaking his head. Thanks for stating the obvious.

"Now Dean if I were you I would just keep Brooklyn away from Paige. So that she doesn't have to deal with either of them because she deserves better. I also feel sorry about you man as well"

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