Chapter 84

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*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

"I don't actually understand why we need to do night?" I questioned as I was with Dean. It literally was out of random.

"Why you don't like it?" he asked as he put his bag down.

"I don't know really. It's night right now and it's cold. Also we have Smack down to do in a couple of hours" I tried to explain to him but of course he was having none of it.

"Pish Posh" he waved me off.

I guess he wanted to explore outside when it's like cold. I don't know really. But I guess he wanted to do it bec ause he was gonna be in the match at Payback. But why do I need to be involve in this?

"How long are we gonna be out here?"

"It's only for a little while. It's not gonna kill you" he said. I just shrugged.

"Also it's a plus because I wanted to show you something" he said grabbing my hand. That kinda made me surprised.

"What on earth can be out here for you to show me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Just trust me on this"

I didn't say anything as he started to run. Damn he runs too fast. I was all screw it and then ran after him. I am fast but not as fast as him. He was still ahead of me. He stopped and looked behind him.

"Come on you slow poke" he waved me over. I don't know if I ran at the moment if he was gonna wait for me?

"Are you gonna wait for me?"

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't?"

I then started to run and for real he actually stayed put and waited on me. When I finally got the chance to meet up to him he grabbed my hand again and we just started to walk. There was silence but it wasn't awkward. We both liked this a lot.

"I brought you out here for a reason." he started. 

"I feel like since this whole Ted thing had happened I feel like I haven't shown you enough love lately. I know it's my fault and all. I just wanted to make up for it" 

He was perfect. That was all I got to say about him.

I didn't know how long it had took us to get to this place that he was gonna be taking us but soon enough we had finally made it. I can also admit that it was really beautiful. It was like a meadow with a pond. I had even got the chance to realize that there was a picnic basket as well. He was trying to be romantic. Not that he already is.

"Dean, this is amazing" I smiled. He smiled as well and then led me over to where the blanket and basket was.

"I thought you would like this" he said and then started to take things out of the basket. I saw that it had chicken alfredo, green beans and rolls. It seemed like a great late dinner at like midnight.

"You even made my favorite" I winked at him.

"Yeah like someone like me would make this" he joked. I couldn't tell if I should take that serious or not. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Are you being serious?"

"I am joking. I made it but I had a little help." he said putting it on a plate. For a drink he went simple for a change. He went with lemonade. I didn't know he would do that either. That's my favorite drink.

"Even my favorite drink"

"With a pitch of vodka" he winked. Of course. 

"I never had lemonade with vodka. I wonder how it taste" I wondered. It sounded interesting and it was funny that Dean added something at least.

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