22 | the reflection of you

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22 ☆ ( "DO I BECOME A LIAR?" )

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22 ☆ ( "DO I BECOME A LIAR?" )

I exited my house, closing the gate behind me

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I exited my house, closing the gate behind me. "I didn't expect you to come out so soon."

I flinched, looking to my right. Sunoo wore his glasses high with pride, black hair ruffled over his forehead and by his ears. He lifted a hand, hooked a finger under my bag, and hung it on his shoulder. "Or, really, I didn't expect you to take my offer so willingly," I rolled my eyes at his witty words, hands on my hips. He chuckled, fixing his hair with his free hand. "I thought that you might go into hiding after seeing Yamaguchi again."

"It's been a week or so since then, Sunoo. I coped–I'm hoping Hanae didn't scare you all into thinking that I was worse than that," Sunoo shook his head. "Good. Besides, you and I are quite similar. I think I enjoy your company more than Hanae's at times."

"Don't be so disloyal, you don't really mean that," Yeah. Good point. I didn't mean that. "But, I'm honored to be someone that you think highly of. I hope you know that I feel the same."

"I do," I nodded, smiling. "Where are we headed? You told me that you wanted to go to the library, so I brought some of my notebooks in case I needed to write down some recommendations."

"Oh. I was lying–but if you really would like to go, I don't mind. I was thinking that we'd do something fun for our last week together," I frowned, causing him to laugh. "I thought you knew I was joking! Why would you spend your longest break studying your life away?"

"All the instances I've had being outside have brought me turmoil or misfortune, Sunoo," He rolled his eyes. "And, I'm not saying that you will be the same, but I just don't like holding the anxiety of being outside and seeing someone or something that I won't like."

"Trust me. If that happens, I'll shield your eyes or protect you."

I sighed. "Okay. I trust you. Let's head to the library first. I have a list of books I have to check out."


We head over to the library down in the main town. We had to take the train, and for once, it was the emptiest I've ever seen during summer! Maybe because it was early in the morning–Like, 8:30 in the morning–that the train was the way it was, but I enjoyed it more that way. Sunoo and I didn't speak, I was able to take in the passing trees, and it was the first time during this summer break that I felt like I could breathe.

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