Chapter 21

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    The school day was winding down when the familiar voice of the principal crackled over the intercom, announcing the upcoming prom. I sat at my desk, my mind wandering as the excited chatter of my classmates filled the air. Prom—a night of glamour, dancing, and, for many, romance.

   I glanced around the room, catching glimpses of colorful prom posters adorning the walls. The announcement stirred something within me, a mixture of longing and hesitation.

   As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I packed my books into my bag with a sigh. I needed to sort things out with Carl. I couldn’t let my fear ruin everything.

  That evening, I paced nervously in my room, my phone clutched tightly in my hand. I hesitated before dialing Carl’s number, but instead, I decided to call his mother, Sophie.

The phone rang a few times before Sophie answered. “Hello?”

“Hi, Mrs. Stevans, it’s Lyla,” I said softly, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

“Lyla, dear, how are you?” Sophie’s voice was warm, but I sensed a hint of concern.

“I... I wanted to talk to you,” I began, my heart racing. “I... I don’t think I can talk to Carl yet. I’m not sure I deserve to.”

Sophie listened quietly, her maternal instincts kicking in. “Lyla dear, you’re not alone in this. Carl cares deeply about you. I barely see him smile. Maybe he needs some space too.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. “I know, and I feel so guilty. I pushed him away when he was only trying to be there for me.”

“Honey, we all make mistakes,” Sophie reassured me gently. “But what’s important now is how you move forward. Have you thought about what Carl likes? What makes him happy?”

I nodded, grateful for Sophie’s understanding. “I want to make things right. Can you tell me more about Carl? What does he like? What makes him smile?”

   Sophie’s voice softened with affection as she shared stories about Carl—his love for music industry, his favorite music, the way he always made her laugh. I listened intently, a small smile tugging at my lips. I felt a glimmer of hope, knowing I had a chance to show Carl how much I cared.

  Armed with newfound understanding, I made a decision. I hung up the phone with Sophie and picked up my sketchbook, flipping to a blank page. With steady hands, I began to draw—a portrait of Carl, capturing his smile and the warmth in his eyes.

  As I worked, I reflected on my fears and insecurities. I knew it wouldn’t be easy to tear down the walls I had built around my heart, but I was determined to try. For Carl, and for myself.


   I wandered through the familiar streets of my neighborhood, hands shoved deep into my pockets. The evening air was crisp, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun dipped below the horizon. Normally, I would have found solace in these moments, but tonight, my mind was elsewhere—weighed down by thoughts of her again.

  I reached Billy’s house, hesitating briefly before knocking on the door. Billy’s mom greeted me with a warm smile and let me in, knowing I often sought refuge in their home.

  Billy was sprawled on the couch, a textbook open on his lap, but his attention was elsewhere as he scrolled through his phone. He looked up when I entered, concern etched on his face.

“Hey, man,” Billy said, setting his phone aside. “You okay?”

I slumped onto the couch beside him, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t know, Billy. I feel... drained, I guess.”

Billy nodded knowingly. “Is it Lyla?”

I sighed heavily, my shoulders sagging with the weight of my emotions. “Yeah. We’ve been so distant lately. I don’t even know how to fix it anymore.”

Billy listened quietly, his gaze steady and supportive. “Have you talked to her?”

I shook my head, frustration evident in my voice. “Every time I try, it’s like hitting a wall. She’s closed off, and I don’t know how to break through.”

“It takes time, man,” Billy offered, his tone gentle yet firm. “Maybe she needs space right now. Or maybe she’s scared, too.”

   My mind swirling with thoughts of Lyla and the distance between us. The weight of uncertainty pressed down on me, leaving me drained and restless.

Billy noticed my troubled expression and decided to lighten the mood with a teasing remark. “Look, Romeo,” he said with a grin, “I thought Lyla warned you not to fall in love.”

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. “She did. But Billy, have you seen her? It’s like... like she’s straight out of a fairy tale. Her eyes light up when she talks about stars, and her laugh—it’s like music. She’s fierce and independent, but underneath it all, there’s this vulnerability that makes you want to protect her. I can’t help but fall for her, man.”

Billy raised an eyebrow, amused by my heartfelt description. “Sounds like you’re smitten, alright.”

I nodded, a fond smile playing on my lips. “I guess I am.”

Our banter softened into a more serious conversation as Billy leaned back, contemplating my words. “You know, Carl,” he began slowly, “I thought you once told me that love is about patience.”

My smile faltered as I considered Billy’s reminder. “Yeah, I did. And I meant it. But sometimes...” I paused, searching for the right words. “Sometimes, patience feels like waiting forever. Like I’m running out of time to make things right with her.”

Billy nodded in understanding. “I get it, man. But love isn’t just about waiting—it’s about understanding, too. Lyla’s been through a lot, and she’s trying to protect herself. You’ve got to show her that you’re in this for the long haul, no matter how tough it gets.”

I sighed, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders as I absorbed Billy’s advice. “You’re right. I need to be patient and show her that I’m here for her, no matter what.”

Billy clapped me on the shoulder, a reassuring grin on his face. “That’s the spirit, Carl. You’ve got this. And hey, if anyone can win her over, it’s you.”

I looked at Billy with a smile. “Thanks, bro.”

Billy held my shoulder. “Anytime, Romeo.”

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