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"Would you like more water, Your Grace, or another slice of bread and cheese?"

Wonwoo shook his head while staring out of the window. "No, thank you. You have fed my hunger wonderfully, and I dare not drink more, not knowing when our next stop will be." That was mostly the truth, but disturbingly not the whole of it. He didn't want anything to wash away the lingering taste of Mingyu in his mouth. Or at least, he felt as if it were there. They had resumed their journey some time before, and he'd downed several cups of water. There really couldn't be any of Mingyu's tangy seed left. Still, he could conjure the memory of what little he'd experienced without any effort. And it felt as if the man's large cock remained sitting heavily on Wonwoo's tongue.

He should be furious over how his husband had insisted he suck his dick—and part of him was. But there was no denying that he'd also known a moment of disappointment when Mingyu had elected to come in a piece of cloth instead of inside Wonwoo's mouth. That brief taste of a few drops of cum had left him hungry for more. And his own dick pulsed at the thought of it. The book he'd placed on his lap when he'd first returned to the carriage remained fixed there. He couldn't bear the thought of Seungkwan seeing him aroused. Did the squire know what had transpired out in those woods? Probably. All Mingyu's soldiers must, the lot of them being far more experienced than he about what could transpire between two men.

Jiseok's incessant taunts rattled around in his head. "Prissy little cocksucker. Why don't you put on a dress and service the longhouse guards? You know you want to." Well, Wonwoo's brother was stupid about so many things, but in this, he'd proven to be prescient. Here Wonwoo sat, wearing a lovely gown and with the stark memory of sucking another man's dick fresh in his mind. He should feel worse about it than he did. Instead, he wondered if he might end up on his knees again before the day was out—the thought of it not repulsing him as it should.

"I'll gladly return the favor." Had Mingyu meant it? He'd seemed sincere. It was hard to picture the commanding prince kneeling between Wonwoo's legs and taking his cock into what must be a warm, snug place and sucking, and sucking... Wonwoo startled, straightening from where he'd been resting his head against the side of the carriage. He ached so badly had to mash the book against his lap to get his body under control.

"Are you all right, Your Grace?" Seungkwan's eyes held no hint of teasing, only genuine concern. He'd put away the basket of food and was sewing the bodice of a green gown.

Wonwoo cleared his surprisingly tight throat. "Yes, thank you. I must have dozed off for a few seconds."

Seungkwan smiled as he returned to his task. "That's easy to do. The journey is long and tedious, and the swaying of the carriage can put one to sleep quickly."

"Yes," Wonwoo agreed vaguely, not sure if had been the movement or the memories that had overwhelmed him so. Needing to change the subject of his own thoughts if nothing more, he asked a question he already knew the answer to simply to make conversation. "Is that another of the traveling dresses for me?"

"Yes, Your Grace. I altered a shift dress for you to sleep in tonight, and this will be done for tomorrow."

"You needn't put yourself to such bother. The shift I have on will serve me well enough tonight and with a little airing, this gown will be fine to wear again tomorrow."

Seungkwan's eyes widened. "Oh no, Your Grace. It would be worth my hide if the dowager queen learned that I'd let you wear the same thing two days in a row."

His own disturbing and conflicting thoughts about Mingyu forgotten, Wonwoo leaned forward. "Would she really have you whipped?" The idea that his new in-laws were cruelly demanding didn't sit well with him. He'd somewhat hoped that he at least headed to a place not filled with fear as much as his father's domain.

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