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Mingyu normally hated having to eat in the king's dining hall, preferring to take a private meal with friends or sit around the cook's tent with his men. Banquets were their own special kind of torture. Not this night, though, because he loved watching Wonwoo eat. Most everything served was new to the boy, the Marshers being poor in resources as they were. His delight in each dish he tried was infectious. The only thing that marred the experience was that more often than not was when Wonwoo turned to Saerom, who sat on his other side, to ask questions about what everything was. Mingyu would have liked to perform that task himself, but he had to be understanding about it all. His daughter held no hint of threat nor dominion over Wonwoo, so it was easy for him to be open with her. Mingyu, as his husband, was a different matter altogether. That was especially true given that tonight was the first one of their being truly alone. If Mingyu let himself think about it too much, his dick was going to punch through his trousers.

"Oh, what's this?" Wonwoo's eyes lit up at the sight of the entertainers entering the dining hall.

"Jugglers and dancers," Saerom answered. "Wait until you see that blonde woman back there. She can contort her body into all manner of positions. It's quite impressive. Do you not have such entertainment in the Marshlands?"

Wonwoo shook his head. "Well, we do have a juggler, but he's not very good, and occasionally, wandering minstrels give us a show for a bit of food and wine. We don't have much of anything else, really. My father doesn't encourage any activity that doesn't serve a useful purpose, and not many outsiders are willing to venture into the Marshlands. The treaty will change that, hopefully." He glanced in Mingyu's direction.

The mere sight of those bright, golden-brown eyes was intoxicating. Something of his thoughts must have shown through as he stared back at his bride because Wonwoo's cheeks pinked up and he swiftly looked away.

Nursing a goblet of wine, Mingyu leaned back in his chair and watched Wonwoo some more. The boy was much more entertaining than the performers. The way he laughed and clapped at the smallest things proved that growing up as Jaekyung's son hadn't destroyed his sweet nature. Mingyu was glad to be able to give his new wife the pleasures he deserved, inside and outside of bed.

But as the celebration wound down and the king and queen rose to signal its end, Wonwoo's expression turned wary. Mingyu, however, eagerly stood, extending his hand to guide Wonwoo up. The boy glanced at Mingyu with barely banked nervousness as he took the proffered hand. Mingyu kissed the inside of his wife's wrist as he'd done at the beginning of the evening, trying to reassure him without saying anything in front of eager listeners.

Wonwoo didn't offer up any reason for gossip, either, bidding the royal couple good night with his adorable mix of bowing and curtsying. As they left the dining hall, then the reception room, his wife did him proud by keeping his head held high and a pleasant expression on his face. That didn't change until they entered his sitting room. The boy managed to slip his hand from Mingyu's clasp without making it look as if he loathed the touch. A grinning Chan greeted them in the bedroom.

"Good evening, Your Highness, Your Grace. I trust the evening went well?"

Wonwoo smiled. "It was wonderful, actually."

Mingyu was glad to hear it, although it could have been merely for the servant's benefit. Still, he chose to take it as truth and added in his own judgment. "Indeed, it was." He focused on his wife. "I shall give you time to prepare for bed and join you shortly."

Wonwoo's face betrayed little of his thoughts, but Mingyu detected a slight stiffening. The boy nodded before giving his attention to his groomer, effectively turning his back on his husband. Sensing his bride might benefit from time alone with someone who could calm his nerves, Mingyu continued to his own bedroom without further hesitation. Kyungri, his valet since Mingyu had become old enough to leave his nurse behind, rose from where he'd been sitting by the fire and put down the book he'd been reading. This was familiar territory. Both he and the valet were creatures of habit and transitioned into the usual ritual of Mingyu being undressed.

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