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I heavily exhaled as we entered inside the second floor of the theatre, taking our seats at the front of the middle raw .

Having the second floor to ourselves was rather pleasing , more satisfying that Darnel, Alex, and Henry were next to me .

I don't think i would have had the nerves to watch it all through alone .

By the time we entered , the auditions had already kicked off , two performances in already.

I kept on wondering how ready she was. Four hours ago, she wasn't ready . Had she finally prepared something. Curiosity had my mind hostage.

" Ha. Ha ha ha ha hahhha," Darnel, Henry, and Alex burst into laughter, enjoying the performance.

I had thought that my anxiety and nerves would be relaxed with watching these performances, but it wasn't helping .

Impatiently wanting her to come out and get over with it already.

" Relax," Darnel quietly said .

I turned my eyes meeting, and he could tell how tensed i was .

" she is gat it . I mean, she is the talented Neacky. " Darnel added.

" It's been six years . What if....."

" Trust her," Darnel interrupted.

" Just can't help it," i honestly said .

" Try harder,"Darnel said .

I sighed heavily, leaning and sliding in my seat .

My eyes shifted from the stage landing on the back of Gilbert's head . Next to him was Madam Abigail, and next to her was Khalil.

" Is he the one?" Darnel asked .

" What?" i snapped out of my thoughts .

" The one next to Madam Abigail," Darnel said .

" Yes," i replied.

" Khalil Anderson," Henry said .

" Yes," Alex replied,  all of them joining the conversation.

" i already hate him . I don't know how you work with him, " Darnel said . All of us giggled.

" You're not alone on that, sir," Alex added .

" It's strength, really . My jealous levels could never ." Henry added .

" i would be lying if i said i am fond of him either," i honestly said .

" been curious," Henry said .

" is miss Neacky like Skylar, given they are twins," Henry added.

" similar but different," Darnel replied.

" Even more lost," Henry admitted.

" My lady is a star , unique, and one of the kind . " Alex lovelingly said with a wide smile .

I scoffed with a wide smile . I am sometimes convinced Alex was beyond wipped for Neacky.

" Not saying miss Skylar isn't but my lady ...."

We all quietly laughed ,  Darnel shaking his head .

" Stop calling her my lady," I said .

" Either go with Neacky or Summer," i said 

" i will discuss that with my lady. I will go with whatever she prefers, "  Alex replied.

Darnel widely smiled, leaning forward, looking down in the crowd.

forbidden things are always the sweetest. The Aftermath Where stories live. Discover now