Ch 21 Master The Powers Part 2

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It has been a few Weeks since you started to train with Stolas and first week was kind of grouling.

First there was meditation.

Stolas would make sit in the backyard Gardens and meditate for hours... But later on you started do it rigth. Your mind was clear and you could think straight.

Next was hand to hand combat training, yes you are already good at fighting, but Stolas insisted that you learn some several other type of combat styles. And Stolas was your opponent for training.

To be quite honest you were surprised  that Stolas was pretty good at fighting hand to hand combat. And you lost a lot of fights to him... So you kepth trying... Again and again.

Another few weeks passed again and eventually you manged to stand your ground against Stolas... Although you still lost some fights you were able to last longer in a figth with him.

With yet another couple of weeks again, you finally managed to beat him in a figth.

Stolas : ( takes a few steps back and breaths hard to try and calm down his breathing )  Huff... huff... Well done Y/N.... You have made incredible progress, and much sooner then I thought, I was sure it would be a year.

You : A year?... I thought you said a few months?

Stolas : Well yeah... But there was also a chance it might take a year as well.
But now let's move on to the next part of your training... Using magic.

The next day you and stolas were in a room both sitting in the ground and legs crossed from one another.

Stolas : "Alright Y/N, listen closely becuse this is a lot to remember. Magic is an art, a discipline, and a science all rolled into one. It's about harnessing the energy that flows through the world and directing it with your will. The first thing you need to understand is that magic is rooted in belief and intention. Without a clear mind and a focused intent, your efforts will be nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

Start by grounding yourself. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep, steady breaths. Feel the earth beneath you, imagine roots extending from your body into the ground. This helps you draw energy from the world around you and keeps you stable.

You: Ok... ( You did as you were told and started to concentrate on what to do )

Stolas : Next, visualize the energy. See it in your mind’s eye as a glowing light, maybe white or blue, swirling around you. Feel its warmth, its power. This energy is what you'll be manipulating.

You then picture it like a colour in your minds eye

Stolas : Now, let's talk about casting. The words and gestures we use are tools to help focus our minds. Think of them as a language that helps your intent take shape. When you cast a spell, speak clearly and with conviction. Your words must carry the weight of your intention. If you’re using a wand or a staff, imagine it directing your energy, like a lightning rod.
For a simple example, let’s try a basic light spell. Visualize a small sphere of light in the palm of your hand. Hold your hand out, focus on the energy you’ve gathered, and say ‘Lumos.’ As you say it, feel the energy flowing through you and out into your palm, forming the light.

You : ( You put your hand out and say the words) Lumos.

You concentrate and managed to make a sphere of light... But it glows red.... But it didn't last long and it disappeared.

You: Ugh... Dammit.

Stolas : It's ok. Remember, practice is key. Start with small spells and gradually work your way up. And always respect the balance of magic. It’s powerful, and misusing it can have consequences. Keep your mind clear, your intent pure, and your respect for the forces you’re wielding paramount. With time and patience, you’ll become adept at this ancient art. Now, give it a try. Feel the energy, focus your intent, and let the magic flow."

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