chapter 2

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Once the Med-Jacks have healed me, which consisted of removing the blood-soaked, useless tourniquet, painfully washing the wound, putting an unknown substance on it, wrapping it with a bandage, and assuring me it was only a flesh wound and nothing was broken, I was granted permission to explore the Glade, as the boys called it. It is a fairly flat area, with a forested section off to one side that seems... enticing, to say the least. But I figure I shouldn't get into any trouble on my first day.

I instead decide to walk towards the looming walls surrounding the area. I didn't notice them at first over the striking pain in my leg, but now I see how ominous they make the Glade appear. They must be a hundred feet tall, and are made up of gray, ivy covered stone.

What could they be for? To keep us in...or to keep something out?

"Watcha up to, Greenie?" Newt calls out, and catches up to me, with a slight limp I also was unaware of until now.

"What are these for?" I motion towards the wall, looking up to the top of the border, which I have to crane my neck to see.

"That's the start of the Maze," Newt explains. "If there's one thing ya learn from today, it should be to never go near those walls."

"What's behind them?" I question. "Is there something out there you're scared of?"

"Not so fast, Greenie." Newt chuckles at me. "We're not quite there yet. Do ya want the grand Tour or do ya need some rest first?" He inconspicuously glances at my leg.

I'm exhausted, and to be honest, the thought of walking around this place with my busted leg is my version of hell. But, if I don't go now, I'm worried I won't get the opportunity again.

"Sure," I say, glancing one last time at the looming walls and then I begin to follow the boy.

"Erm, I might not be very good at this," Newt starts. "Usually Alby gives the Tour, but he's a bit...occupied at the moment."

"Occupied...with what?" I ask, concern lacing my question. Occupied with killing someone? Getting ready to kill me?

"Never mind that. This here is the glade. We all live here, sleep here, and eat here. That's why we call ourselves the Gladers." He explains, leading us towards a wooden building. "You are the first girl Glader we've gotten. It's gonna take some gettin' used to for the lot of us, but I think you're gonna fit in just right here. The only thing that might be a bit tricky is figuring out where ya are gonna sleep." He gives a small chuckle, meeting my eyes with ones covered by his shaggy, blonde hair.

Suddenly, a piercing scream comes from just inside the wooden structure ahead.

"Shuck it," he mutters. "Those bloody Med-Jacks can't do jack without needin' my help." He starts limping up the steps of the building. "Well, are ya comin'?"

I hurry after him, scared out of my wits about who, or maybe what, was making the noise. Inside the building, I am immediately met with the smell of cedar and some kind of disinfectant. It seems familiar, but I can't figure out why. Then again, I can't even figure out my name, so I shouldn't be too alarmed.

I follow Newt up a rickety, wooden staircase and through a hallway with at least six doors on each side. We enter the third one on the left and are met with a large group of boys, some of whom I recognize from the Med-Jacks who patched my leg back on the glade. They surround a cot, and I can't see the person inside it.

"Stay here," Newt says and leaves me standing in the doorway to help out the others.

I try to peek around the bustling group but to no avail. There are too many of them, and the room is too small.

girl in the maze // {the maze runner, thomas}Where stories live. Discover now