Chapter Three

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     Two weeks have passed since my psychotic episode with a masked man outside my window, and my foot has somewhat healed, but the lashing on my shoulders, back, and ass still sting as my clothes rub up against the sensitive welts. Two weeks and every day I've spent time with Jimin, Tae, Yoongi, and Jungkook. We've been going to cheap concerts to dance, fight, and drink our fears and anger away, going to the abandoned hotel to listen to music and talk about life, and now, we are headed to the fun fair that pops up twice a year. The air is chilly, my black skirt tempting to fly up, my thermal black tights keeping my legs warm, itching the welts on my ass and lower back, making me want to strip and peel off the scabs. My sweater feels smooth on my back, feeling like I'm being hugged by a fluffy cloud. 

   I'm sandwiched between Jungkook and Jimin in the backseat, Tae driving in his Ford Mustang Mach-E, Yoongi having his window rolled down and headbanging to the song blaring through the speakers. I nod my head, keeping my legs crossed and my arms folded, my hands in my armpits to keep warmth. Jimin has his arm outreached behind me, flicking my Helix ear piercing and fiddling with my snake earring. I swat his hand away, Jungkook smirking beside me, his leg touching up against mine, his arm now behind me, playing with my other ear. 

"Okay children, enough! I don't need both of you sticking your fingers in my ears and trying to yank out my piercings," I shout.

    I try and swat them both away, scooting towards Jungkook as Jimin starts to stick his finger in his mouth, wiggling his eyebrows and his finger popping out of his mouth. I squeal in disgust, pushing further into Jungkook as I fight with Jimin, making sure his nasty saliva finger doesn't come anywhere near me. Jungkooks arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me in closer, my heart jack hammering for the thousandth time today, Jimin succeeding and sticking his finger in my ear at my time of weakness. 

       I feel the car stop, the music suddenly turning off as Tae and Yoongi hop out of the car, Jimin making his way out as well. Jungkook and I stay like this for a moment, his heated body at my back, his arm wrapped around my waist, his hand softly caressing my side. I take a deep breath, slowly scooting away from him and his warmth, wishing I could stay in his arms the whole night and escape my life. 

    Walking towards the fair, the smell of freshly made popcorn, greasy corn dogs, and powdered funnel cakes wafts in the air, making my stomach growl in protest, hating me for eating a singular poptart today. The squeals and laughter surround us as we get closer to the ticket booth, the three roller coasters in the back swishing and swooping in the air, screams filling the evening air. The Ferris wheel slowly turns, and various rides are around, none that I've ever been on. I thank the guy who give me a yellow wristband with clowns on it, walking inside with Jimin, Tae, Yoongi, and Jungkook around me. 

   Jimin wears ripped blue jeans with a black dragon hoodie on, the smell of cigarettes and the forest surrounding him, the piercings in his ears glinting from the sun. The tattoos escaping his hoodie and climbing up his neck wanting to be freed, a silver chain around his neck to add to his bad boy fashion. His bright bubble gum hair distracts from the bad boy look, looking more like an anime boy. 

   Tae is wearing skinny black jeans, along with Yoongi, and a white sweater with Cannibal Corpse on the front with a lady eating a mans head on the back. Yoongi wears the same sweater in black, being the best friends they are and matching any chance they get. Tae's bright blonde hair falls in his eyes, Yoongis pale blue hair falling on his forehead, the back and sides shaved but leaving fluffy hair on the top. 

    Jungkook wears black joggers, pairing with his black combat boots, and a solid black long sleeve, his black hair newly cut, the same hairstyle as Yoongi, letting his glittery jewelry scaling up his ears shine bright, his tattoos peaking through the cuffs of his shirt. I feel like a lowlife compared to these four, all looking like Gods rather than normal human beings. 

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