Chapter Five

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     For the past week I've been sleeping with Jungkook under the stars, wrapped up in blankets and his arms, talking about the past, the present, and the future. His eyes always tracking me, hearing me and listening, and making me nervous too. I tell myself it's just simple friendship, two people needing companionship, nothing more. But, I know that's far from the truth. I just don't want to admit it. He picks me up at ten at night and takes me back home at four, giving me two more hours of sleeping, though all I do is analyze what was said, done, and wishing I did more with him.

   I haven't told the boys, and neither has Jungkook, the roof of the abandoned hotel our space, a safe space. This weekend, it might be harder for me to have my nightly sleepovers with him, because Tim and Stephanie are throwing a party to congratulate Tim for being the mayor... again. It's hard to explain to Jungkook, or anyone, that nights that they drink, are the worst nights for me. Those are the nights they go above and beyond, and think of different punishments, or psychological punishments. I don't want him to think I don't want to see him, but I don't want him to know what I deal with. It isn't his burden to carry. 

   I try and figure out what to say to him as I try and study for my Psychology exam in the Public Library, using the computer for notes since Tim and Stephanie refuse to help me with any electronics for school. I am the one who bought my phone, not them, I could never rely on them to get me a laptop for school, but I don't want to spend unnecessary money for one either. As my headphones blast "Right Now" by Korn, the seat beside me slides out, someone sitting in it. I look to the seat, seeing Jimin grinning at me as he chews on gum. I slide my headphones off my head, stopping my music. 

"How'd you find me, stalker?" I say as I put my book into my backpack, starting to log off of the computer. 

"You're a nerd. If you aren't home, work, or school, you're here. It's not hard, Little Devil."

"Whatever, jackass." 

We head outside together, the air nipping at my face, my eyes stinging from the cold. The skinny black jeans and large Bad Omens hoodie helps with heat and soothes the healing itchy welts on my back. For three weeks I haven't had any punishments, but I know that will change tonight. 

"Hey Little Devil!" 

I hear Yoongi shout, rushing up to me and picking me up off the ground, twirling me around. I laugh, shoving him away as he places me back on the ground. 

"So happy are we?" I say, seeing Jungkook and Tae behind him smiling. 

"Okay, I'm so missing something here. What?" 

They all smile at me, glancing at one another like they have a shared secret. I get impatient, pushing a hip out and placing my hand on it, waiting for Tae to blabber about the secret, and just as I expect, he says it. 

"Okay, we wanted to surprise you but I'm not good with secrets. We got you Beartooth tickets for tonight, well not just you, us four too."

I look at them a smile spreading on my face, excitement coursing through my veins. Beartooth is my favorite band, never being able to see them because I never have time, and the fact that my friends remembered my favorite band and bought me a ticket makes me want to cry. But, my excitement is short lived, realizing what tonight is, and knowing I wouldn't be able to leave their eyes and leave their tortures for the night. 

"Fuck, I really appreciate it but I can't." 

I look as they all start to frown, Jimin looking confused, but Jungkook tightens his jaw, chewing the inside of his cheek. 

"Tim has a party tonight for being elected as mayor again, and I can't not be there, they'd be upset with me."

Jimin scoffs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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