Chapter Four

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The knife nicks my skin under my chin, making me gasp as my chest pushes up towards the masked man, his eyes on me, loving seeing me squirm underneath him. He takes the knife and runs it along the side of my face, smearing the tears with blood from previous cuts. 

Why do I like this?

I buck into him, feeling his hard body against me, making me whimper. He takes his mask off, nothing but black underneath, like a hole sucking you into the void, and I scream, inching away as the room around me turns pitch black. Sounds of laughter ring throughout the empty space, growling in my ear making me jump. 

"He's coming for you."

      I jump out of sleep, sitting upright as sweat makes my hair stick to my face. I look around my bedroom, my heart hammering out of my chest as I try to get back into senses. As I close my eyes, chanting to myself I'm safe and it was a dream, I check my phone, seeing that it's four o'clock in the morning. I groan, rubbing my eyes as I stand up, stretching and wincing, checking my bandages on my back, shoulders, and ass, making sure I didn't bleed through. I shake away the grogginess, wanting to go back to the dream that made me frightened, but it doesn't come to me anymore. It vanishes, leaving me confused why I woke up sweaty and feeling like I was scared. 

I can't remember. 

I lay back in bed, scrolling through my phone, seeing a message from thirty minutes ago from Jungkook. 

Jungkook: Did you see the stars tonight? They're beautiful. 

Me: Why are you up kid? No, I didn't see them, it's four in the morning. 

I smile to myself, going back to watching TikToks of cute cats dressed in bumblebee dresses and videos of biker boys, when Jungkook texts back. 

Jungkook: watch them with me? 

Me: How do you expect me to do that? Teleport to where you are?

Jungkook: Im outside. Come on.

I look at the text, puzzled. I sit up, looking out the large square window and seeing a black Mercedes outside on the opposite side of the road, turned off. I send a picture to Jungkook asking if that's him, and received a yes, and a "hurry". My heart sinks in my stomach, torn between wanting to have time with this cute boy, and not wanting to get my ass beat if caught sneaking out. I've snuck out countless times from this window, walking across the roof and climbing down the tree, but its two hours before they wake up the house and ramble us out to take showers. What if I don't come back in time? 

I chew my lip as I contemplate, noticing I don't have any other pairs of clothes to change into a I see my white crop top and silk pajama pants cling to my curves, cursing under my breath. 

Jungkook: Is the Little Devil scared now?

I roll my eyes, wishing Jimin never told him about this silly nickname. I shove on my shoes, going towards the window and quietly sliding it up, pushing the screen out and placing it on top of my bed. I crawl out of the window, standing on the roof and looking out into the city, the quietness of the darkness. I slowly climb towards the tree, making sure I don't trip and fall and break my neck. I scale down the tree, making sure all the lights in the house are still turned off as I run through the yard, inching closer towards his car. He rolls down the window and waves for me to come on, a smile spreading across his face. 

I get into the passenger seat, keeping the door open as I tell him to pull off closing it once we get down the street. 

"Little Devil, glad you could make it." 

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