1.0 Mamma Mia

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It switches back and forth from Taylor and her daughter whose name is Donna's pov! I didn't label when it does tho! Enjoy!

To Travis Kelce

To Tom Hiddleston

To Taylor Lautner

Three invitations to my wedding, going to the three men who could be my dad. I recently,y read my moms diaries from the year u was born, and found out that my "dad" whom she said went to explore the world actually was three men who do three totally different things.

A football player

An actor

And a real estate agent


"Oh my god!" I exclaim as Shari and Layla run to me. "I missed you! Oh no...." I say.

"I'm tough!" Shari says. "I'm tall!" Layla says. "I'm tiny!" I say. "And together we're gonna rock this place! Yeah!"

"Oh my gosh! That ring! It's absolutely gorgeous!" Layla says. "Oh I need one." Shari says and I giggle. "He did well didnt he?" I say waving my finger around.

"I'm getting ready tomorrow. I'm so glad you're here because I have something I can't tell anyone else." I say. "Your knocked up? Donna!" Shari says. "No! No! No! Um, I invited my dad to the wedding." I mumble. "No! You're joking!" Layla says. "Have you finally found him?" Shari says and I shrug.

"No. Well yes. Kind of. Not exactly I guess. Okay so um. You know what my mom always said when I asked about my father? It was a summer romance, and that he was gone long before she realized she was expecting. I'd always kind of excepted that was all I'd ever know, but I went into storage and was going through some old trunks, and I found this. It's the diary she kept from the year she was pregnant with me." I say.

"Oh Donna!" Layla says. "July 17th. What a night!" I say and they squeal. "Travis rowed me over to a little island. That's here guys! That's Kalokairi. We danced on the beavh and dot, dot, dot." I say.

"What does that mean!?" Shari says. "That's what they did in the olden days! They fucked!" I yell and they squeal. "Stop it!" Kayla says and I laugh. "Travis is the one. I know he is. I've never felt anything ever like this before. This love is.....amazing." I read.

"So this guy Travis is your father!" Shari says. "No.....well actually. That's where the plot thickens. All this time Travis has been telling me he loves me, but now he's announced that he's engaged! So he's going home to get married. I'll never see him again." I read.

"Poor Taylor." They both say. "Now to August fourth. What a night! Tom rented a motorboat, and I took him to that little island." I read. "Wait who's Tom?" Shari says. "Though I'm still obsessed with Travis, Tom is so wild. He's such a funny guy. Well one thing led to another, and dot, dot, dot." I read and they gasp.

"August 11th. Taylor turned up, out of the blue! So I said I'd show him around. He's so sweet, and extremely understanding, I couldn't help it and......" I read but and interrupted by them yelling, "Dot! Dot! Dot!" They say and I laugh.


"Oh look at you two! God stop growing!" Taylor says. "You look like you're having fun already!" Taylor says. "Oh we are." Shari says and I slap her arm. "Oh we know." Layla says and I glare at her.

"So who's your dad? Travis, Tom, or Taylor?" Shari says. "I don't know......" I say. "But then who did you invite to the wedding?" Layla says and I smirk. "Oh my god! Do they know?" Layla says.

"What would you write to a total stranger who you think is your father? Please come to my wedding, you might be my father!" I say mocking them. "They think that my mother sent them the invites, and what's in here, no surprise they said yes!" I say.

"You're so clever." Shari says and I laugh. "We're gonna look gorgeous tomorrow!" Layla says. "I want the perfect wedding, and for my father to give me away." I say. "I'll know my father as soon as I see him." I say.


"Will you look at what the tide washed in!" I say. "For one night!" Blake says. "And one night only!" Abigail says. "Taylor and the dynamos!" We all yell. "You look fabulous Blake!" I say. "You look like an old hippie!" She says and I giggle. "These are new! Where did you get them?" I say glancing at Blake's chest. "Husband number three!" Abigail says and I laugh.

"Dynamos! Dynamite! Sleep all day and boom all night!" We all yell. "So any men at this wedding? And gorgeous Greeks I should be worrying about?" Abigail says.

"Oh you know me. I'm just focused on Donna! It's her wedding after all. Oh ner and Louis are perfect for each other." I say smiling.

"Oh she wants this humongous wedding. I don't know what's going on in that child's head sometimes. She wants it big, and white. Her and Louis are making all kinds of plans for the hotel. Sometimes I think she'll never leave." I say.

"Yeah but do you really want her to? You're a mama bird." Abigail says. "Well I want what's best for her so........ of course not!" I say and they laugh.

"Travis! Tom!? Taylor!?"


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