1.2 Mamma Mia

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I can't breathe! Mom I can't do it!" I say as she pulls me into my dress. "I can't do it!" I say on the verge of tears. "You know what to do. It's not to late we can call it all off. I can call everyone and tell them it's done." She says. "Call.....call off the wedding?" I say.

"Well isn't that what you want?" She says putting her hands on my shoulders. "No. No. No. mom that's what you want." I say huffing. "No!" She says. "Yes! God it is mom!" I say.

"Donna!" She says. "Mom you have no idea! You never had a wedding. You never got married. You never did the marriage and babies thing. You just did the baby thing! And god well good for you!" I say.

"You know I don't know why the fuck you're going off on me right now!" She says. "I really don't!" She yells. "Because I love him mom! I want to be with him!" I say. "Good! Great!" She says.

"And I don't want my children growing up not knowing who their father is because that's just a shit move! It's horrible." I say storming off.


"Okay I need to calm down. Donna's going to have an absolutely gorgeous wedding right?" I say as Travis sits down beside me. "This was our dream remember?" He says and I nod resting my head on his shoulder. "Yeah well it's my reality. Hard world and a horrific mortgage. And I've got a shitty hotel that's pieces are crumbling around me!" I say putting my face into my hands.

"Look let me help. I'll just take a look at this." He says trying to reassure me. "No it's alright. I need to be able to deal with my own disasters.

"Why didn't you say it was Donna getting married." He says breaking the awkward silence. "I wasn't aware that, that side of my life was any of your business." I say. "Why is she still here on the island? If I were her I'd be exploring the world." He says and I nod. "Yeah." I say.

"She's a bright kid." He says and I nod. "I know. I know. But she's just got a kind of her own." I say and he nods. "I see that. She's just so young." He says. "I know." I say.

"I mean does she know what reality she wants? I think she wants to make sure you know she never is gonna leave you alone safe and stranded." He says. "What do you mean?" I say. "Tay, look. I helped raise my brothers kids. I know about letting go. If Donna felt that you'd be okay alone would she want something different for herself?" He says.

"Okay heres the thing..... I love being on my own. I really do. You know, every morning I get up and I thank god that I don't have some menopause middle aged man telling me how to run my life. I'm free, and I'm single, and it's........great." I say struggling with the last part. It's anything but great.

"Am I letting you down mom?" Donna says as I fix her hair for her wedding. "Why would you ever think that?" I say. "Well because you had to give up your music career for me. Mom you were a star." She says and I smile. "Well I didn't have a choice sweetie. My mother would be killed me if I came home pregnant. I wouldn't have had it any other way though because, my god. Look at what we've made." I say and she smiles.

"Will you give me away?" She says and I smile. "Of course." I say kissing the top of her head.


"Taylor! Can I talk to you about something?" Travis says running up to me. "Who's giving her away?" He says suddenly. "I am." I say. "What about me?" He says. "It's what she wants. She told me she wants her father there. What if he wants to be there for her too?" He says.

"What Travis don't do this now. I don't want to hear it!" I say. "Donna listen to me! This is about us!" He says grabbing my arm.


"Welcome to the wedding of Donna and Louis, and all of the family and friends who have gathered to celebrate this evening. And welcome the woman who represents your family, Taylor.......now let's celebrate this glorious evening by....."The priests says but I interrupt.

"And her dad. He's here too. Donna's dad." I say stuttering a bit. "I know. I invited him." Donna says smirking.

"I never knew which one how could you...... oh my god that's why they are here!" I say. "So she's not mine?" Travis says disappointed. "I mean...... i just..... I don't know okay!?" I say. "Yeah that's right don't get started on the self righteous shit!" I say looking at Travis.

"Hey I had to go off! I was engaged. I told her I couldn't do it. I came right bavk here. You were gone." Travis says. "You....you....... Why didn't you call me!?" I say.

"Because I was crazy enough to think that you would be waiting for me. I had hoped of it. Only when I arrived, they told me you'd left with some guy." He says.

"Dearly beloved......" the priest starts again. "Wait no! I can't do this." Donna says.

"What?" Louis says confused. "You never wanted this. Let's just get off this island and go see the world!" Donna says.

"So what do I do now?" The priest says. "I'm not entirely sure....." I say. "Hang on...." Travis says. "Why waste a good wedding? How about it Swift? You're going to need someone to boss around on this island of yours." He says and I laugh.

"Are you nuts!? I'm not a bigamist." I say and he laughs. "Neither am I, but ever since the day I set foot on this island I've been trying to tell you how much I love you." He says getting down on one knee. "Come on Taylor. It's only the rest of our life...." He says.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest says. "I'm so happy!" I say. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest says and Travis dips me down. A sweet and loving kiss that's been awaited 20 years. Finally being fulfilled.

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