1.1 Mamma Mia

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"You always knew how to make an entrance. You're so gorgeous." Travis says and I blush. "I better be dreaming. You better not be here." I say. "Should I pinch you Taylor?" Tom says. "No! Keep your hands to yourself Tom Hiddleston!" I say.

"You probably don't recognize me. Do you?" Taylor says. "Oh my gosh Taylor! It is you!" I say. "I know I've changed a bit." He says. "Why are you all here? What are you doing here!." I say.

"I'm in for an acting job." Tom says. "I'm here for a real estate job." Taylor says. "You know I just go wherever football takes me." Travis says. "Okay so what is this!" I say. "It's one of those serendipitous moments where all your past comes back to haunt you!" Taylor says.


"Donna's dad is here." I say dropping onto the bed. "Remember how I said it was Travis? Travis the football player? Well he's here. And two people from that summer are here as-well. I say.

"I hope they went back to their boat. I don't need them messing up Donna's night." I say. "Do they know about her? About Donna?" Abigail says. "Id hope not. I don't know where they've gone, I've brought this onto myself because I was a stupid and reckless 20 year old!" I say. "Woah you sound like your mother!" Blake says.

"I do not!" I say. "Yes you do!" Abigail says agreeing with her. "Oh fuck off!" I say throwing pillows at them.


"You'd promise you'd come! Where are you going!?" I say as I see my three possible fathers on a boat. "Oh just for a stroll around the island." They say. "But you promised!" I say. "Well that was before your mother saw us and told us to leave. You never defy Taylor's choices." Tom says.

"She wasn't thinking! I promise! She's just so stressed because of my wedding. You know, but she's got no idea that your her lovely surprise. I promise she'll be so happy tomorrow." I say.

"Please! I have to go. Just please come tomorrow. It'd make me so happy." I say. "Alright." Tom says. "You've got it." Taylor says. "I promise I wouldn't miss it for the world." Travis says.

"Donna where have you been!? People have been arriving all afternoon, but no one has seen you. God I was so worried!" Louis says pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry I was just around the island. You know just wandering around. I had just lost track of time." I say smiling as he pulls me into a kiss.

"You know how I said I wanted to find my father?" I say as our foreheads are pressed up together. "Donna we've already been over this! You don't need to find your father. You've got us your family." He says and I smile.

"And you'll never leave me right?" I say. "Are you kidding? How could I ever you've turned my world upside down!" Louis says and I laugh as he hugs spinning me around.


"Hi." I say watching the party from the balcony. "Hi. I think I should explain to Taylor, that I come in peace." Travis says and I laugh. "Oh no really..l. You should wait! Let her at least have a few drinks first!" I say and he laughs.

"Good idea. Good idea." He says. "Is this really your dream? Running this all with Taylor?" He asks me. "Well she can't just do it on her own." I say.

"You know back in the day, I drew this whole place up on the back of a menu at a restaurant one night. I'd always dreamt I'd have an excuse to come back here." Travis says forcing a smile. "What kept you?" I say.

"What did your mother ever say about me?" He says. "She never mentioned you." I say quietly looking at the ground. "Donna....... what am I doing here? I know why I'm here Donna, just please tell me it's the truth. How long have you known I'm your father? Did she tell you?" He says grabbing my arm.

"What? Not long at all actually. Travis listen to me. My mom doesn't know that I know. So can we wait until after my wedding?" I say sympathetically. "Who's giving you away tomorrow?" He asks. "Nobody." I mumble. "Wrong. I am. That's our secret until then." He says and I smile.

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