chapter 7⚽️

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The world is so complicated.

It really sucks.

You go one day hating your life to another day hating it even more and nothing really cheers you up.

But some great things might happen.


I made the idiot move and stayed home for the rest of the week after Monday. I got 10 new cuts, at least 6 bruises and a large cut across my cheek because I got a plate thrown directly at my face.


Anyway it's Saturday again so i'm packing my shit and walking to niall's. i wish i had a bike i can probably see if i can have Haddy's older brothers old bike.

I knocked on his door and he let me in with a worried look. "Did you get into a fight 0r something man?" he asked more seriously than usual.

That's never good.

"No." I said lying down on his couch "what happened?" he asked, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. "You can tell me you know that." I sighed and looked up to the ceiling "You're not comfortable, i'll drop it." he said and stood up and walked my stuff to his room. I got up a bit after and walked to his room. And sat on the bean bag in the corner of his room.

We sat in silence for a bit till he go a text from someone who was probably Haddy. About 20 minutes later she walked in. "maybe her boy problems will cheer you up." niall laughed sitting next to her on his bed. I turned over to look at her and she had a huge smile plastered on her face. "There not problems Neil probably the best thing ever." she said rolling off the bed dramatically "she's whipped." i mouthed to Niall and he laughed "

"Don't laugh at me Horan."

"i'm not laughing at you."

"your just jealous."

"how so?"

"because i got a date with the man of my dreams and you can't even gather the courage to ask your crush to facetime."

"shut up." he said, throwing a pillow at her "you got a date?" i asked



"Dianna's brother."

"Zayn?!" she nodded blushing slightly with the biggest smile on her face.


"yeah" we stayed silent for a bit just laying/sitting where we were

"im heading to the back to play around with Nail's football." Haddy spoke and stood up. We smiled at her and she walked out

"does your dad hurt you"

Wait what the frick frack fuck?!

Where in the didly darn did that come from

"Oh my god im so sorry man. That was random as hell." he apoligized seemingly still expecting an answer.

I sighed giving up hiding such a big secret and nodded.

I mean he deserves to know if he has concern for it

"i knew it." he mumbled "what!? You knew??!" "shit yeah man i see you with a new cut scracth or bruise everyday. Thats not fucking normal i had to guess something was up And i can see you cut yourself, another reason something is up. I guessed about the abuse, guess i was right." niall said clearly wishing he wasn't right. I sighed. "My parents have been trying for 2 years to get you to live with us but we dont have proof to show anyone and you can't just run anyway i don't know."


he nods "whyd you wait till haddy left."
"i wanted her to find out when you want to tell her." he said emphiszing 'when'

"what do you need?"

"you to say something to the cops they arrest him him something like that."

I smiled

"something that simple can get me out of that hell hole."

"i hope so..."

Omg I'm nervous 😖
Anyway sorry for not posting in a bit I was on holiday and had some mild writers block :) but I'm back
This chapter sucks tbh but I kinda hate this book and wanna write another 😭 so we're gonna power through this and work on the next
This chapter isn't edited like the other so please as I just said 'power through' this chapter for me I don't feel like having my friend HARRYISMYPOOKIE28 edit this I just want to post quickly so you continue to read lmao
Anyway thanks so much for reading i have 80 reads now!!
(Ignore mistakes harder this chapter lol)
Enjoy 🫶
738 words

Football, love, and curls (Larry Stylinson)  Where stories live. Discover now