Chapter 18 ~ The Heir~

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~Tom's POV~

"Where is she." I mumble while looking at my pocket watch. 

"My lord, she is not in her chambers." Avery answers hesitant."Should I send for a search party, my lord?" Avery asks, concern evident in his voice.

I shake my head once, raising from my chair. 
"I will go and find her myself. She believes she can run away from me... The consequences will be severe if this is the case. Althrough it was your duty to keep an eye on her." 
I eye Avery serious, he looks down nodding. 
"Yes my lord. I have observed her walking into her chambers, told her about your meeting and left, believing she would get ready. She did not leave her rooms. My lord." 

"Hm." I mumble, pushing Avery aside, making my way to Eva's chambers.
If you want something to be done, you always have to do it yourself. 
I'm surrounded by idiots. 

The dimly lit hallway adds an ominous air to the situation, did she leave?

As I reach the door, I push it open with a swift motion and step into the room, my eyes scanning every corner in search of her.

The flickering candlelight casts long, dancing shadows across the walls of Eva's chambers as I push the door open. The room is silent, unnaturally so, with her belongings scattered as if she had left in haste. My heart pounds with a mixture of anger and worry. She knows better than to evade me.

"Eva," I whisper to myself, my voice barely audible in the empty room. I sift through her things, searching for any clue that might explain her disappearance. Everything is here: her books, her clothes, even her wand. She did not run away.

Avery stands behind me, silent and tense. His presence is a constant reminder of my growing frustration. "You were supposed to watch her, Avery," I hiss, my voice sharp.

"My lord, I did as you commanded. She was in her chambers when I left," he responds, his tone tinged with fear. I know he is telling the truth, but it does little to quell my anger.

I turn to face him, my eyes narrowing. "Then how did she disappear? Find out who saw her last. If she is not found soon, the consequences will be dire." I shout.

Avery nods and quickly exits the room. I continue my search, trying to quell the rising tide of anger. Where could she be?? How dare someone takes her away. 

Days pass, and there is still no sign of Eva. I pace my chambers, my mind racing with possibilities. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. Avery enters, looking grim.

"My lord, we have learned that Gellert Grindelwald was seen near Hogwarts the night Eva disappeared," he says, his voice shaking slightly.

Grindelwald. How dare he take what is mine? My anger flares, and I grip the edge of my desk to steady myself. "Find him," I command, my voice low and dangerous. "And bring her back to me. And leave him to me. I will take what is his in return."


Days turn into weeks and months, my frustration grows with each passing moment. My Death Eaters search tirelessly, but Grindelwald is elusive. I refuse to give up, driving them harder, pushing them to their limits. I will find her.

The positive thing is that my followers grow each week passing. 
Soon I will have an army and the wizarding world will face us.

The wizarding world will soon tremble at my feet, and Eva will be back in my grasp, where she belongs. My power grows with each passing day, and my enemies will soon learn to fear the name Lord Voldemort so much they will not dare to say it.
Neverthless, I have a school to lead. The fool of Dippet chose me to replace him. He always liked me, well I'm charming, how can he not. Just like Hepzipah Smith.. She had no idea what her faith would be after she handed me what was rightfully mine..
I am the heir of Slytherin. Leading Hogwarts. My inheritance. How dare she kept what is rightfully mine.

Now that I have the necklace of Slytherin, I may continue my work. 
And Eva will carry it. She just won't know.

 She just won't know

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Grindelwald thinks he can oppose me, little does he know he can not win

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Grindelwald thinks he can oppose me, little does he know he can not win.. already created two horcuxes, and more are to follow.
I have no end. And soon. Soon enough he will realize it. Just like the whole world will.
I am the most powerful wizard our world has ever seen.
Salazar's heir. I will finish what he started. Not only in hogwarts...

As the days pass, whispers of my growing influence echo through the wizarding world. My name strikes fear into the hearts of those who would dare to defy me. They will learn the price of opposition, as will Grindelwald when I finally confront him.

The pieces of my grand design are falling into place, each move calculated with precision. Hogwarts, once a mere stepping stone on my path to ultimate power, now serves as a stronghold of my authority. The Chamber of Secrets lies waiting to be opened, waiting for me to unleash its ancient magic upon those who dare to stand against me.

The wizarding world bends to my will, and soon it will kneel before me, an empire of darkness ruled by the one true master of magic.

My reign is inevitable, my legacy eternal. Soon Eva. I will come and get you. No matter how long it will take those fools to find you.

Getting rid of Dumbledore would be fantastic, but I do not fear him. I know he knows me. And he knows I know him. What a delicate game we two play. The student beats the master.

Important people like me, how should they not.. They are so blind to their own thoughts, how should they ever see my sharade. In one sense, I believe I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

I am quite aware of Dumbledores useless tries in undermining my power. He shall stay in hogwarts and watch me win.

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