Chapter 2

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"what do you mean Julies' in danger?!" Luke and Alex yelled at the same time

"mmmmghhhgh ughghthp phhhhh!" Reggie groaned, luckily for Alex, he had been exposed to Reggie talking while his mouth was full multiple time when they were alive to understand that he said the same thing he and Luke said

"first of all, let's fix all this first" the lady said waving a stick and immediately Reggie and Luke were free from the ground, Reggie immediately spat out a mouthful of worms and dirt, making Alex cringle as he wiped the remaining bits of dirt from his tongue

"you ok buddy?" Alex asked

"I'm fine, although I prefer my mud pie to be more wet!" Reggie said as he smacked his lips several times

"I'm back!" Luke said, poofing back, apparently he went to the toilet as soon as he was out

"How did you do that!?" Carlos asked excitedly

"I will answer all your questions inside" the woman answered, while Ray was reluctant, he led everyone inside

"wow, I can't believe witches are real!" Reggie said excitedly "I wonder if Gandalf is real?"

"Reggie, don't be ridiculous, Gandalf is a made-up character!" Luke argued

"well, so are ghosts!"

"oh, that's a good point"

"ok, please stop before I lose my will to live" Alex groaned, rubbing his face

"well technically-"

"don't!" Alex stopped Reggie by holding up a finger, Alex sighed and reached into his fanny pack to grab one of his stress toys

"so, what is this about" Ray started, having brought tea out to their guest

"Please call me Professor Mcgonagall" the lady-professor McGonagall said, sipping her tea

"wow! what do you study?" carlos said excitedly

"I am a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" she replied

"Wow, witches and wizards are real?" Julie asked in amazement, ignoring Reggie's 'yeah!'

"of course, they're real Julie! She got Reggie and Luke out of the ground with her wand!" Carlos said, bouncing in his seat

"so, what does this have to do with my daughter?" Ray asked cautiously

"Well, about 15 years ago the wizarding world was thrown into a great war with a dangerous, evil and powerful wizard, he was eventually defeated however he has returned and it is only a matter of time before he makes his move. a few weeks ago, one of our members found him speaking to a ghost you may be familiar with"

"Caleb," the band said simultaneously

"yes, Caleb. they were seen making a deal, while we do not yet know the details of this deal, we were able to get your names in particular" Professor McGonagall said, looking at Julie before glancing at the boys who shifted uncomfortably

"So, you're here to help us?" Julie asked

"in a way yes, but you are also helping us, you know more about Caleb than the rest of us and could be a great benefit to help us defeat him"

"you can't beat him, he's the most powerful ghost there is" Alex spoke up, remembering the talk he had with Willie a few days after he and the boys were saved, how angry he was after he found out the boys had escaped him and had almost destroyed the HGC.

"I am aware of that Mr. Mercer" Alex flinched at the sound of his last name and Reggie wrapped an arm around his shoulders while Luke placed his hand on Alex's knee, giving it a tight squeeze "And that is why it will be catastrophic if these two powerful enemies worked together, it would cause the death of many wizards and muggles"

"muggles?" Carlos asked

"It is the term we use for non-magical beings"

"I don't think we should do it," Julie said quietly, making everyone turn to her "I almost lost these guys last time, I won't let that happen again, they don't deserve it"

"Julie..." Luke whispered

"but Julie, if the bad guys win they will be unstoppable! I mean, they could just blast our weapons away like they were nothing!" Carlos argued

"I agree with Julie, it is far too dangerous" Ray agreed

"I think we should do it" Alex said quietly, making everyone turn to him in surprise

"Alex? You're volunteering to fight?" Reggie said in surprise, Alex had always hated violence, especially since High School

"This could give us a chance to defeat Caleb and free Willie (Carlos snorted) and everyone else he has under his control, we were lucky enough to escape but everyone else deserves to be free as well"

"he's right" Luke added "Willie did say that since we escaped Caleb's been keeping a tighter rein on everyone at the club"

"and they don't deserve that," Reggie said sadly "They deserve to find their families"

"I'm not saying no to fighting an evil wizard!" Carlos added and Ray sighed

"it's up to you mija" he eventually said and Julie bit her lip in thought. She loved her family and friends, but since meeting the boys, her life had turned around, they had taught her to love music again, and showed her that just because her mom had died, didn't her love for music had to die with her. thinking again what Professor McGonagall had said, how if Caleb and this evil wizard won then everyone would be in danger, including her family and friends...Flynn!

"Alright, I agree" Julie declared "but on one condition" McGonagall raised her eyebrow "Flynn has to come with us"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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