chapter 8

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Akutagawa pov

What the hell is that sound!?

It sounds like somebody is cooking. And there is medicine on my bedside table as well?! Did Gin already come back from her mission? Oh, I hope so... I can't wait for her to tell me everything. My little sister, she grew up so fast. I'm happy that she grew up to be so strong like me, but on the other hand, when I look at it as her older sibling, it feels strange. It feels like yesterday she just learned how to walk and now she's one of the worlds best assassins. Anyway, she'll be always little in my eyes no matter what. 

I take the medicine and I almost straight up spit it out, due to its bitter taste. Oh, I hope it'll have a quick effect at least. I feel like a living dead. I've never been sick until now and I hate how weak I feel. I can feel every single muscle and bone in my body. It's way worse than any injury I've ever got from a fight. 

My throat is completely sore, but I try to call out to Gin. But instead of her name, only a muttered sound that doesn't even remind of her name escapes my lips. Yet, the door slowly opens. Gin you are my biggest savior. I look up and...

...ugh, not again. Not him again. What did i do to deserve this. And how does that dirty weretiger dare to wear my sisters apron.

I glance back at the nightstand. The medicine. Did he try to poison me? Now I know why it tasted so bitter.

"I'm glad you're awake. You slept for eleven hours straight. It must have been a good sleep. Are you feeling better?" 

I'm confused. I heard him leaving so how did he get here. Did he climb up the window? 

He sits on my with bowl in his hands with what looks like a soup in it and places a cup of steaming tea next to the medicine.

"Here. I made some soup. It might help you recover." I push it away as he's handing it to me. Who knows what he put in it. Maybe a dead rat or rotten vegetables. Maybe even poison if it wasn't in the medicine already. I don't trust him even in the slightest bit.

"Come on Akutagawa. I know how you feel about me but you have to eat something or you'll get even weaker. Don't act like a child." I open my mouth trying to say at least a word but he quickly puts a full spoon in my mouth.

"Fine. I'll feed you if it won't go otherwise, but I won't let you starve." He can't be serious about this. I've never been treated this way and the worst thing about this is that I can't really do anything. A slight blush appears on my cheeks as I just let him do what he wants with me with a glimpse of defeat in my eyes. At least the soup is quite tasty.

After he's done feeding me he pats my head. "Good job, Akutagawa. I knew we could get along. Shall I stay tonight with you? I can sleep on a cough. I don't want to leave you alone in this state."

"Just shut up already! " I suddenly lose my temper and even overcome the pain in my throat but I instantly regret it as it hurts ten times worse. Who does he think he is? Some kind of savor? Yeah, I admit it felt good to be pampered a little but why does he suddenly acts like my lover? 

A shiver runs down my spine just at the thought of it.      

Whatever he imagines himself like, it's useless. I've always been alone.

He looks shocked when I scream at him like that. As if he didn't know how annoying he really is.

Atsushi pov

I think I took it too far with patting his head. He always had this pride in him. Maybe he's got problems with mood swings or maybe he's acting like this because he never been taken care of.

Just then, it hits me suddenly. He never knew how it feels to have someone other than his sister around. Everywhere he looks, he sees enemies. That must be how the Port mafia raised him.

I feel sorry for him. I went through a lot as well, but now I have somebody to stand by my side. I have the agency now. I place the empty bowl on a nightstand and gently take his hands into mine as I looks in his lifeless looking eyes. Just from that slight touch he's too shocked to pull away. I know that I'm trying to change his mind very often and it never works but if that is what helps him, I'll gladly do it over and over again until I succeed.     




This chapter might be a bit long, and since i hate long chapters, I'll split it in two parts. 

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